two of my chars were afk exping at pofire. using simple macro /tar xxx, /pet attack xxx. merc was up for heals.
one of my chars got suddenly ported to guild lobby for no reason. I had few tells from regular players, but no GM tells. also main char merc was not suspended - few months ago GMs just suspened mercs and I got killed.
should I stop macroing for a while eh? or just use merc afk exp? as there are no other sanctions on my toons, I hope I'm not "listed"... and I'm really surprised that the main toon who was "making" exp, didnt get ported or anything. he continued whatever he was doing had em up exping for about 20 hours
one of my chars got suddenly ported to guild lobby for no reason. I had few tells from regular players, but no GM tells. also main char merc was not suspended - few months ago GMs just suspened mercs and I got killed.
should I stop macroing for a while eh? or just use merc afk exp? as there are no other sanctions on my toons, I hope I'm not "listed"... and I'm really surprised that the main toon who was "making" exp, didnt get ported or anything. he continued whatever he was doing had em up exping for about 20 hours