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Alatyami's (Not Opra's) Bookclub (1 Viewer)


NotAddicted.com Engineer (Retired)
Dec 21, 2004
Welcome to the Alatyami book club. All books should be benifitial to the MQ2 development effort. Note: no dicitionaries allowed, everyone already knows I can't spell ;).

Do not post the actual eBook on the site (that would break copyright laws).

A great site for eBooks is http://www.pdfchm.com It is a Russian site that makes eBooks available for preview and points users to where they can buy hardcopies. You must register with them in order to download the eBooks.
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This text introduces the spirit and theory of hacking as well as the science behind it all; it also provides some core techniques and tricks of hacking so you can think like a hacker, write your own hacks or thwart potential system attacks.

Hacking is the art of creating problem solving, whether used to find an unconventional solution to a difficult problem or to exploit holes in sloppy programming. Many people call themselves hackers, but few have the strong technical foundation that a hacker needs to be successful. Hacking: The Art of Exploitation explains things that every real hacker should know.

While many hacking books show you how to run other people’s exploits without really explaining the technical details, Hacking: The Art of Exploitation introduces you to the spirit and theory of hacking as well as the science behind it all. By learning some of the core techniques and clever tricks of hacking, you will begin to understand the hacker mindset. Once you learn to think like a hacker, you can write your own hacks and innovate new techniques, or you can thwart potential attacks on your system.

In Hacking: The Art of Exploitation you will learn how to:

* Exploit programs using buffer overflows and format strings
* Write your own printable ASCII polymorphic shellcode
* Defeat non-executable stacks by returning into libc
* Redirect network traffic, conceal open ports, and hijack TCP connections
* Crack encrypted 802.11b wireless traffic using the FMS attack

If you’re serious about hacking, this book is for you, no matter which side of the fence you’re on.


Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/dp/1593270070...veASIN=1593270070&creative=373489&camp=211189
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This book discusses 32- and 64-bit 80x 86 assembly language programming inclusive of the SIMD instruction supersets that bring the 80x86 processor into the realm of the supercomputer. This book can be used in a self-taught or academic environment.

The increasing complexity of programming environments provides a number of opportunities for assembly language programmers. 32/64-Bit 80x86 Assembly Language Architecture attempts to break through that complexity by providing a step-by-step understanding of programming Intel and AMD 80x86 processors in assembly language. This book explains 32-bit and 64-bit 80x86 assembly language programming inclusive of the SIMD (single instruction multiple data) instruction supersets that bring the 80x86 processor into the realm of the supercomputer, gives insight into the FPU (floating-point unit) chip in every Pentium processor, and offers strategies for optimizing code.

Learn about:

* 3DNow! MMX, SSE, SSE-2, SSE-3, AMD64, and EM64T instruction sets
* The similarities of and differences between various 80x86 processors
* Boolean bit manipulation
* Data swizzling, shuffling, and splatting
* Integer and floating-point math operations
* Branching and branchless coding methods
* Coding standards
* Debugging functions


Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/dp/1598220020...veASIN=1598220020&creative=373489&camp=211189
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Emphasizing the analysis of software code and identifying the main structure of languages in which they were written, this real-world text covers various aspects of disassembling, analyzing, and debugging software code.

This book describes how software code analysis tools such as IDA Pro are used to disassemble programs written in high-level languages and recognize different elements of disassembled code in order to debug applications in less time. Also described are the basics of Assembly language programming (MASM) and the system and format of commands for the Intel microprocessor. Aspects of disassembling, analyzing, and debugging software code are considered in detail, and an overview of contemporary disassemblers and debuggers used when analyzing executable code is provided. The basics of working with these tools and their operating principles are also included, and emphasis is placed on analyzing software code and identifying the main structure of those languages in which they were written.

About the Author

Vlad Pirogov is an expert in the development of performance-effective applications for Windows and the author of The Assembly Programming Master Book.


Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Disassembling...=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1207124874&sr=8-1
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This is the latest addition to my bookshelf. It is a great read and very educational in
the ways of IDA Pro. -Alatyami


Amazon.com says,

If you want to master the art and science of reverse engineering code with IDA Pro for security R&D or software debugging, this is the book for you. Highly organized and sophisticated criminal entities are constantly developing more complex, obfuscated, and armored viruses, worms, Trojans, and botnets. IDA Pros interactive interface and programmable development language provide you with complete control over code disassembly and debugging. This is the only book which focuses exclusively on the worlds most powerful and popular tool for reverse engineering code.

* Master the most powerful disassembler and debugger for Windows, Linux, or OS X
* Single-step through code to understand the complexities of worms, viruses, and Trojans
* Automate even the most complex tasks using IDA Pros development environment

Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Reverse-Engin...=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1207122528&sr=8-1
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For those that are looking into Assembly, this is a great book. It covers everything you'll ever need to know.



Aiming to prove that writing programs for Windows in the Assembly language is no more difficult than writing the same programs using C/C++, this guide shows how Assembly code is actually more compact and executes faster. The algorithmic knowledge and skills lost in high-level programming provides the justification demonstrated in this guide for using Assembly code. Working applications with detailed comments and descriptions of their operating principles, along with material that can be considered hackish, are included. The tools and techniques of code analysis and modification are covered, making this a useful tool for programmers eager to become better acquainted with hacker methods. Not a guide on Assembly language, this represents a symbiosis between the Assembly language and the Windows operating system.

About the Author

Vlad Pirogov is an expert in the development of performance-effective applications for Windows who has designed and implemented software with Assembly.


Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Assembly-Prog...=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1207317308&sr=8-1
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Welcome to C++ and C++ How to Program, Fifth Edition! C++ is a world-class programming language for developing industrial-strength, high-performance computer applications. We believe that this book and its support materials have everything instructors and students need for an informative, interesting, challenging and entertaining C++ educational experience. In this Preface, we overview the many new features of C++ How to Program, 5/e. The Tour of the Book section of the Preface gives instructors, students and professionals a sense of C++ How to Program, 5/e's coverage of C++ and object-oriented programming. We also overview various conventions used in the book, such as syntax coloring the code examples, "code washing" and code highlighting. We provide information about free compilers that you can find on the Web. We also discuss the comprehensive suite of educational materials that help instructors maximize their students' learning experience, including the Instructor's Resource CD, PowerPoint® Slide lecture notes, course management systems, SafariX (Pearson Education's WebBook publications) and more.

C++ How to Program, 5/e contains an abundant collection of examples, exercises and projects drawn from many fields to provide the student with a chance to solve interesting real-world problems. The book concentrates on the principles of good software engineering and stresses program clarity. We avoid arcane terminology and syntax specifications in favor of teaching by example. We are educators who teach programming languages courses in industry classrooms worldwide. Dr. Harvey M. Deitel has 20 years of college teaching experience, including serving as chairman of the Computer Science Department at Boston College, and 15 years of industry teaching experience. Paul Deitel has 12 years of industry teaching experience. The Deitels have taught C++ courses at all levels to the government, industry, military and academic clients of Deitel & Associates.


Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Program-Harve...bs_sr_3?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1207317863&sr=1-3
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Professional C++ (Programmer to Programmer)
9780764574849 (0764574841), Wrox Press, 2005

C++ is one of the most popular programming languages, but this fast and powerful language is also notoriously complex. Many useful aspects of C++ remain a mystery to even the most experienced programmers. Too often, programming books concentrate more on the syntax of the language and less on its real-world applications. This code-intensive, practical guide changes that by teaching all facets of C++ development, including effective application design, testing, and debugging. You'll learn simple, powerful techniques used by C++ professionals, little-known features that will make your life easier, and reusable coding patterns that will bring your basic C++ skills to the professional level.

After a quick review of C++ fundamentals, the authors launch into teaching you how to use C++ in your daily work. They show you various programming methodologies and good programming style, as well as ways to increase the quality of your code and improve your programming efficiency. You'll discover how to write cross-language and cross-platform code, how to perform unit testing and regression testing, and how to use the standard C++ library. By the end of the book you'll be armed with a wealth of reusable coding patterns that can be applied to all your projects.

You will be able to master the C++ language with all its idiosyncrasies, and take advantage of its powerful capabilities for large-scale software development.

About the Author

Nicholas A. Solter studied computer science at Stanford University, where he earned bachelor of science and master of science degrees, with a concentration in systems. While a student, he worked as a teaching assistant for several classes ranging from introductory computer science for nonmajors to an upperdivision course on group projects and software engineering.
Now a software engineer at Sun Microsystems, Nick programs primarily in C and C++ in his work on high-availability software. His previous work experience includes several stints in the computer game industry. At Digital Media International, he was the lead programmer on the multimedia educational game, The Land Before Time Math Adventure. During an internship at Electronic Arts, he helped develop the Course Architect 2000 golf course–editing tool for the Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2000 game.

Scott J. Kleper began his programming career in elementary school, writing adventure games in BASIC for the Tandy TRS-80. As the resident Mac geek at his high school, Scott moved to higher-level languages and released several award-winning shareware applications.
Scott attended Stanford University, where he obtained bachelor of science and master of science degrees in computer science, with a concentration in human-computer interaction. While in college, Scott served as a teaching assistant for classes involving introductory programming, object-oriented design, data structures, GUI frameworks, group projects, and Internet programming.


Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Professional-...=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1208445024&sr=8-1
Alatyami's (Not Opra's) Bookclub

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