I have seen a lot of macos for alcohol tolerance, but I don't think anyone has mentioned bard song that basically cures drunks. the song will removes some alcoholic effects when it expires or is clicked off. Have bard play /melody so that he keeps it recasting. Ever time it pops click off. The quick recovery will make you level faster and help keep your stats up. Again it only removes effects when it expires or is click off. A toon stuck in your head will extend it and in a zone like pok the buff will never expire.
name /info /location
Soothing Psalm of the Sunrise
Class: BRD(57)
Target: Caster Group, MGB: No
Range: 50.0, AE Range: 100.0
Resist: Unresistable
Casting: 3.00s
Duration: 12s (2 ticks)
Dispellable: No
Restriction: Out of Combat
This quiet psalm helps ease your group's drunkenness, gradually removing alcoholic effects from your bodies.
Slot 1: Intoxicate if Tolerance < -10
Lceanium Janeil Mon`estra
name /info /location
Soothing Psalm of the Sunrise
Class: BRD(57)
Target: Caster Group, MGB: No
Range: 50.0, AE Range: 100.0
Resist: Unresistable
Casting: 3.00s
Duration: 12s (2 ticks)
Dispellable: No
Restriction: Out of Combat
This quiet psalm helps ease your group's drunkenness, gradually removing alcoholic effects from your bodies.
Slot 1: Intoxicate if Tolerance < -10
Lceanium Janeil Mon`estra