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Strategy - Alcohol Tolerance Tip (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Apr 9, 2018
I have seen a lot of macos for alcohol tolerance, but I don't think anyone has mentioned bard song that basically cures drunks. the song will removes some alcoholic effects when it expires or is clicked off. Have bard play /melody so that he keeps it recasting. Ever time it pops click off. The quick recovery will make you level faster and help keep your stats up. Again it only removes effects when it expires or is click off. A toon stuck in your head will extend it and in a zone like pok the buff will never expire.
name /info /location
Soothing Psalm of the Sunrise
Class: BRD(57)
Target: Caster Group, MGB: No
Range: 50.0, AE Range: 100.0
Resist: Unresistable
Casting: 3.00s
Duration: 12s (2 ticks)
Dispellable: No
Restriction: Out of Combat

This quiet psalm helps ease your group's drunkenness, gradually removing alcoholic effects from your bodies.

Slot 1: Intoxicate if Tolerance < -10

Lceanium Janeil Mon`estra
it speeds up AT by one extra server tick, so usually you can drink till full and every server tick you can then drink again, playing the bard song only allows an extra drink per server tick. But if you use my AT macro it will drink till full then drink every server tick +/-3 s at random times and will then drink till full and rinse and repeat. IMO my AT macro I tweaked "Looks" most natural you just need alcohol time start it up and it will max AT for your current lvl no modding needed alway it will go to max skill. There used to be a uberdrunk macro that used that song till they nerfed it
It looks like Me.Drunk is decreased by 3 every tick when you have Soothing Psalm of the Sunrise in your song window, but if you click off the song before the tick ends it decreases Me.Drunk by 11.
I was thinking of making a second group (one with a bard and melee vs the mostly caster one I have now) and this might just be the thing that "convinces" :airquote: me to do it!

(AKA trying to rationalize spending more time playing EQ)
Does MQ2BuffBlock really just block the spells, or does it allow it to be casted on you and then clicked off. If its just casted on you and then clicked off, you could sing the song and have that click it off every time it pulses and I believe that would be the fastest way to skill up alcohol tolerance.
Strategy - Alcohol Tolerance Tip

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