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Alcohol Tolerance (1 Viewer)


Dec 17, 2006
Been wanting to get my AT up over 400, I am currently at 200, any tips would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.
Been wanting to get my AT up over 400, I am currently at 200, any tips would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

You could use [UnlimitedDrunk] in docrack, as long as it is working you can drink till you reach 400 in one sitting provided you are near a vendor that sells alcohol (just keep buying stacks till you are maxxed). BUT be prepared to stay in that zone and wait for it to wear off. As even though you do not see the effects if you zone or log off you will see them. The best way to tell is to look at your stats. I would estimate at least 20 minutes to stay in one place while it wears off.

I think I had a plugin too that worked nicely as well. I'll see if I can dig it up.
This is the macro I used to use. Use it in conjunction with /docrack UnlimitedDrunk and have a bunch of Ale in your bags. If you run it standing next to the Alcohol vendor in Abysmal Sea, you will automatically replenish your stock until your skill is maxed.

Rich (BB code):
| alctol.mac
| Takes you to 200 Alcohol Tolerance
| Version 1.0
| Date: 01-03-2006
| By Bror
| Based on ArmySoldier's TS macs
| MerchantName is the name of the merchant that sells your booze
| MaxWanted is where you want to stop: Default is 200
| Booze is the alcohol you want to buy: Default is ALE
| Requirement:
| Slot 8 in your inventory must be empty
| In its current state, this must be run behind Dray Cuves in Abysmal Sea to work.

#event Explode "#*#If you consumed any more drink you would explode#*#"
#event ExplodeB "#*#You could not possibly drink any more, you would explode#*#"
#event TooDrunk "#*#You could not possibly consume more alcohol or become more intoxicated#*#"
#event SkillUp  "#*#You have become better at Alcohol Tolerance#*#"

#include common/sell.inc
#include common/buy.inc
#include common/packs.inc

Sub Main
	/declare OldSkill int outer
        /declare MaxWanted int outer
        /declare MerchantName string outer
        /declare Booze string outer
	/declare i int outer
        /varset OldSkill ${Me.Skill[Alcohol Tolerance]}
	/varset i 1

| ***********************************************
| *   Change these settings if you want.        *
| ***********************************************

        /varset MerchantName "Dray Cuves"
        /varset Booze "Ale"
        /varset MaxWanted 200

| ***********************************************
| ***********************************************

	/echo Alcohol Tolerance is at ${Me.Skill[Alcohol Tolerance]}

	/if (${Me.Skill[Alcohol Tolerance]}>=${MaxWanted}) {
		/echo Alcohol Tolerance is at or greater than ${MaxWanted}. Quiting!

| ***********************************************
| Buy Booze                                     *
| ***********************************************

	/target ${MerchantName}
	/delay 1s
	/click right target
	/delay 1s
	/call Buy ${Booze} 20
	/keypress esc
	/delay 1s

	/for i 1 to 20 
		/itemnotify pack8 rightmouseup
		/delay 1s
	/next i
	/goto :Start

| ***********************************************
| sUB event too much drink                      *
| ***********************************************

Sub Event_Explode
	/echo Too full, Pausing 30 seconds.
	/delay 30s
	/varcalc i ${i}-1

| ***********************************************
| SUB event too much drink 2                    *
| ***********************************************

Sub Event_ExplodeB
	/echo Too full, Pausing 30 seconds.
	/delay 30s
	/varcalc i ${i}-1

| ***********************************************
| SUB event too drunk                           *
| ***********************************************

Sub Event_TooDrunk
	/echo Too Drunk, Pausing 1 minute.
	/delay 1m
	/varcalc i ${i}-1


| ***********************************************
| SUB event skillup                             *
| ***********************************************

Sub Event_SkillUp
	/echo Alcohol Tolerance increased - ${Me.Skill[Alcohol Tolerance]}
	/delay 5
it seems to be broken, the buy.inc file it calls out doesn't respond and it end the macro. I have the basic buy.inc from your compile, but not sure how to set it up properly. Do you have to replace the itemtobuy with ale (or what ever you want?
The main mac can't seem to open the include file, but was able to cut you new inc file in to main mac and deleted the include lines, and that seems to work

this is what I am using now and works, I changed Ale to Short Bear (cheeper)

| alctol.mac
| Takes you to 405 Alcohol Tolerance
| Version 1.0
| Date: 01-03-2006
| By Bror
| Based on ArmySoldier's TS macs
| MerchantName is the name of the merchant that sells your booze
| MaxWanted is where you want to stop: Default is 200
| Booze is the alcohol you want to buy: Default is ALE
| Requirement:
| Slot 8 in your inventory must be empty
| In its current state, this must be run behind Dray Cuves in Abysmal Sea to work.

#event Explode "#*#If you consumed any more drink you would explode#*#"
#event ExplodeB "#*#You could not possibly drink any more, you would explode#*#"
#event TooDrunk "#*#You could not possibly consume more alcohol or become more intoxicated#*#"
#event SkillUp "#*#You have become better at Alcohol Tolerance#*#"

|#include common/sell.inc
|#include common/buy.inc
|#include common/packs.inc

Sub Main
/declare OldSkill int outer
/declare MaxWanted int outer
/declare MerchantName string outer
/declare Booze string outer
/declare i int outer
/varset OldSkill ${Me.Skill[Alcohol Tolerance]}
/varset i 1

| ***********************************************
| * Change these settings if you want. *
| ***********************************************

/varset MerchantName "Dray Cuves"
/varset Booze "Short Beer"
/varset MaxWanted 405

| ***********************************************
| ***********************************************

/echo Alcohol Tolerance is at ${Me.Skill[Alcohol Tolerance]}

/if (${Me.Skill[Alcohol Tolerance]}>=${MaxWanted}) {
/echo Alcohol Tolerance is at or greater than ${MaxWanted}. Quiting!

| ***********************************************
| Buy Booze *
| ***********************************************

/target ${MerchantName}
/delay 1s
/click right target
/delay 1s
/call Buy ${Booze} 20
/keypress esc
/delay 1s

/for i 1 to 20
/itemnotify pack8 rightmouseup
/delay 1s
/next i

/goto :Start

| ***********************************************
| sUB event too much drink *
| ***********************************************

Sub Event_Explode
/echo Too full, Pausing 30 seconds.
/delay 30s
/varcalc i ${i}-1

| ***********************************************
| SUB event too much drink 2 *
| ***********************************************

Sub Event_ExplodeB
/echo Too full, Pausing 30 seconds.
/delay 30s
/varcalc i ${i}-1

| ***********************************************
| SUB event too drunk *
| ***********************************************

Sub Event_TooDrunk
/echo Too Drunk, Pausing 1 minute.
/delay 1m
/varcalc i ${i}-1


| ***********************************************
| SUB event skillup *
| ***********************************************

Sub Event_SkillUp
/echo Alcohol Tolerance increased - ${Me.Skill[Alcohol Tolerance]}
/delay 5

#event Broke "#*#you cannot afford#*#"
#event Broke "#*#you can't afford#*#"

Sub Buy(ItemToBuy, int amount)
/echo Buying ${ItemToBuy}!
/declare QTY int Inner
/declare l2 local int

|---SMALL delay to allow the MERCHANT Window to populate

/delay ${Math.Calc[${DelayMult}*2]}s

/varset QTY ${Math.Calc[${amount}-${FindItemCount[${ItemToBuy}]}]}
/delay 5s

/if (${FindItemCount[${ItemToBuy}]}>= ${amount}) {
/echo Done!

/varset l2 ${Window[MerchantWnd].Child[ItemList].List[=${ItemToBuy},2]}
/if (!${l2}) {
/echo couldn't find ${ItemToBuy}
} else {
/notify MerchantWnd ItemList listselect ${l2}
/notify MerchantWnd ItemList leftmouse ${l2}
/delay 2


/echo Buying ${ItemToBuy} Till I get ${amount}

/if (${QTY}>19) {
/buyitem 20
/delay 1s
/varset QTY ${Math.Calc[${amount}-${FindItemCount[${ItemToBuy}]}]}
/goto :Loop
} ELSE {
/if (${QTY}>0 && ${QTY}<20) {
/buyitem ${QTY}
/delay 1s
/varset QTY ${Math.Calc[${amount}-${FindItemCount[${ItemToBuy}]}]}
/if (${QTY}==0) {
/echo Done!
/goto :Loop


Sub Event_Broke
/echo Error: You are out of money!
Alcohol Tolerance

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