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Guide - Aliases in a Nutshell (1 Viewer)

Brief Background

I am very busy with life and do not have the time like I did over 20 years ago to play. RG has helped me use what time I have to play to keep enjoying EQ, even if I am not a hardcore raider anymore. I started my journey with many postings here, such as Multiboxing EverQuest: The Red Guide (videos) and Newbie Guide for MQ2. I have found searching these boards to be very helpful in getting a system working. In hindsight, I missed Aliases as an important part. I have this spreadsheet documenting various actions (invis, MuleAssist commands, etc) and cells to generate the appropriate code to generate hotkeys. By copying and pasting code, kind of like a checklist, I could setup new teams of characters. Thinking there has to be a better way, my searches revealed aliases are a great way to standardize a lot of stuff, without needing to create hotkeys (you still can of course and do so using your alias instead of long chunks of code!). Aliases allow you to make your own slash commands. These examples are just a start. I want to keep this as simple as possible.

Aliases live in the MacroQuest.ini file. You can take a peek at this file and you may notice some of these aliases look familiar (or eventually will as you use more macros/plugins). The /alias command (Press . to activate the command input for the MQ2ChatWnd) allows you to add them (or you can edit the file in the [Aliases] section.


After adding/modifying aliases, make sure to reload:
Reload Alias List (Broadcast to other Windows as needed):
/alias reload

Activate MQ2EQBC Example
The window executing this alias will connect to the MQ2EQBC server.

Alias to Activate MQ2EQBC:
/alias /eqbcon /multiline ; /plugin mq2eqbc load; /bccmd connect 2112 ; /bccmd set autoconnect on

You can name the alias whatever you want. I used eqbc from the plugin name and added the word on. Now you only have to type /eqbcon to turn EQBC on for the character!

MQ2AutoAccept Example
The MQ2AutoAccept plugin (note /plugin list will display it as mq2autoaccept) is handy for auto accepting invites/trades. It is customizable. This example simply uses the defaults and MQ2EQBC to broadcast.

Alias to Have All On EQBC Auto Accept Each Other:
/alias /bcaaautoaccept /multiline ; /plugin mq2autoaccept on ; /noparse /bcaa //multiline | /bcaa //autoaccept add ${Me.Name} | /timed 5 /autoaccept save

I use bcaa as the prefix (EQBC all/all command) and autoaccept from plugin name as the suffix for the alias.

Invisibility Example
Assuming everyone is connected to MQ2EQBC, this example will creates an alias to make the group invis/itu. It should work in most group configurations. The logic goes like this:

  1. (entire group) Songs off
  2. (me) Caster group permanent invis (1210) if I have it
  3. (other members of group) Group permanent ITU if they have it
  4. (me) ITU if I have it
  5. (entire group) Shared Camouflage / Group Silent Presence / Shauri's Sonorous Clouding

Alias to Group Invis:
/alias /bcgainvis /multiline ; /bcga //stopsong ; /alt act 1210 ; /bcg //multiline | /alt act 1212 | /alt act 280 ; /alt act 1212 ; /alt act 280 ; /timed 5 /bcga //multiline | /alt act 518 | /alt act 630 | /alt act 231

* Prefix bcga (EQBC group/all, reminder this is for the whole group) + suffix of invis. Now, I have /bcgainvis to use from any box.

If you also want Selo's, here is an example:
Alias to Group Invis (With Selo's):
/alias /bcgainvis2 /multiline ; /bcga //multiline | /stopsong | /alt act 3704 ; /alt act 1210 ; /bcg //multiline | /alt act 1212 | /alt act 280 ; /alt act 1212 ; /alt act 280 ; /timed 5 /bcga //multiline | /alt act 518 | /alt act 630 | /alt act 231

* Prefix bcga (EQBC group/all, reminder this is for the whole group) + suffix of invis2 to for the Selo's version.

Note: I have not used a bard to invis, but you have to make sure they are behaving. Some report needing to use a /twist off or /twist stop command, but when I type that in, I get an error. Not sure if this is still valid, but be aware bards break stuff. Some will use /mqp to pause before doing the invis. If you do the /mqp (pauses macro) approach, you will need to find a solution that works for you to move boxes. For example having an alias or hotkey to "Come to Me" or "Follow Me" may work.

Hopefully this helps you out. I am in the process of converting as much as I possibly can to alias form to simplify setting up new teams. Another benefit of putting the code in aliases means you only have one place to update it instead of editing every character. One of my goals with RG is to enable me to manually play characters with the option of having full automation. This may also allow me to reduce the # of hotbars I use.


  1. Aliases
  2. Conditions and you. Coding tutorial information
  3. MuleAssist (incl. recommended hot keys)
  4. Sic's Hotkeys
  5. Useful aliases
  6. Useful commands/hotkeys to save time and trouble!
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This is an alias that Kaen01 helped me with (thank you Kaen01). I wanted a way to direct my group to mount up, but if you send a group command (EQBC or DanNet) to all your group members, your group will cast mount at the same time (or nearly the same time), which causes strange behavior with some toons having no mount. So, the trick is to send the command to your group but have them stagger their casting, which is exactly what this alias does using some cleaver programming.

This alias uses MQ2DanNet (/dgae army) to send the command and identify users in the group (i.e., I need their group number for the staggered delay calculation), but you could replace /dgae army with your own or no DanNet group name (i.e., army is the name of my DanNet group)

/mountall=/noparse /dgae army /docommand /timed ${Math.Calc[(${Select[${DanNet.Name},${DanNet.Peers[army].Replace[|,,]}]}-1)*15].Int} /useitem ${Mount.Stat}

Here are some other aliases handy for guild hall or house clickies:
# Skyshring GGH Clicky
/tcs=/multiline ; /itemtarget "Skyshrine Dragon Brazier" ; /timed 5 /click right item ; /timed 10 /notify "Teleport to Cobalt Scar" menuselect
# Crystal Caverns GGH Clicky
/tfrost=/multiline ; /itemtarget "Froststone Crystal Echo" ; /timed 5 /click right item ; /timed 10 /notify "Teleport to Froststone" menuselect
# Frontier Mountains GGH Clicky
/tfm=/multiline ; /itemtarget "Ancient Iksar Translocator Statue" ; /timed 5 /click right item ; /timed 10 /notify "Teleport to Frontier Mountains" menuselect
# Umbral Plains GGH Clicky
/tup=/multiline ; /itemtarget "Umbral Plains Scrying Bowl" ; /timed 5 /click right item ; /timed 10 /notify "Teleport to Umbral Plains" menuselect
# Plane of Health GGH Clicky
/tpoh=/multiline ; /itemtarget "Cynosure of Health" ; /timed 5 /click right item ; /timed 10 /notify "Teleport to the Plane of Health" menuselect
# Shadow Haven GGH Clicky
/tsh=/multiline ; /itemtarget "Shadow Haven Teleport Pad" ; /timed 5 /click right item ; /timed 10 /notify "Teleport to Shadow Haven" menuselect
# Laurion's Door GGH Clicky
/tli=/multiline ; /itemtarget "Laurion's Door" ; /timed 5 /click right item ; /timed 10 /notify "Teleport to Laurion Inn" menuselect

Here is a /sit that always sits, if you are sitting, you won't stand up:
/mqsit=/if (!${Me.Sitting}) /sit
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Guide - Aliases in a Nutshell

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