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Stupid - An MQ n00b's journal (1 Viewer)

Dec 23, 2021
Day 1
  • Got all 6 characters their level 5-10 spells and fellowship tokens.
  • Went to first grind spot and did the KA script creation/edits (thanks to the KA library resource for helping me feel slightly less overwhelmed)
  • Confession - even after reading a ton, I cannot figure out auto looting. Like, I am fully ignorant about how to do it. Best I can do so far is use the master looter to right click assign loot to whomever. Advanced looting is my kryptonite.
  • Chase is weird, sometimes my group members just do their own thing but once I manually move them back near my tank, they start acting normal again. Obviously, I am missing stuff in in what I am running or have scripted. /ponder
  • Enchanter not mezzing? Had a few add situations and enchanter just stood there doing not much.
  • Haven't figured out setting and pulling to a campfire yet, because...I am teh n00b.
  • Thinking ENC should be set to puller, or I should drive with ENC and have them do the pulling, since the class generally rules all for that job
  • Leveled everyone like 2-3 levels, even with totally forgetting Lesson of the Devoted exists.
Conclusion - I am awful at this, but slightly less awful than I was the day before. Hopefully, Day 2 improves a smidge.

EDIT for Day 1, pre-Day 2 - flipped the ChaseMA switch in all 5 non-tank KA.ini files to 1. Hopefully, they chase better tonight.
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A lot of people find that running group and pulling with tank is easier in the long run. It's not a hard requirement though.

Also, many find that dragging group around from mob to mob using chase instead of pulling back to a fixed camp is a better experience in the modern game.
Sounds like you're doing well for Day 1 if you ask me. I recall day one for me and it was very overwhelming. Lots to learn here and expecting yourself to pick it up in a very short period of time is a very high expectation.

  • In case you are not aware it, KA has a very helpful wiki - KA Wiki. Hopefully, you are using chase in KA as it's pretty reliable compared to eq follow
  • If the enchanter took the occasional break but is still doing their job, it sounds like a campradius issue or some other setting in your ini that may have caused it to "miss"
  • Check out these videos if you have not already - Toon Movement - AutoGroup/AutoAccept/MQ2Yes - Basic Overview - Sic does a great job explaining how he sets up camp. Some of the automation may not match or you might be using dannet over eqbcs, but it gives you general idea to build on
  • Tough to pull with a toon that is not your tank, but not impossible. I did the same when I started and the settings differ to make your tank engage compared with using them to pull, but it's possible. I ended up learning the SK and he became my main and the group was much easier to control
  • I <3 your conclusion btw
My best advice is to try tackling one thing at a time and have patience. When/if you get stuck on that task, search the boards here for help and if you still cant find it, ask away. Great folks here always willing to lend a hand.
Day 1
  • Got all 6 characters their level 5-10 spells and fellowship tokens.
  • Went to first grind spot and did the KA script creation/edits (thanks to the KA library resource for helping me feel slightly less overwhelmed)
  • Confession - even after reading a ton, I cannot figure out auto looting. Like, I am fully ignorant about how to do it. Best I can do so far is use the master looter to right click assign loot to whomever. Advanced looting is my kryptonite.
  • Chase is weird, sometimes my group members just do their own thing but once I manually move them back near my tank, they start acting normal again. Obviously, I am missing stuff in in what I am running or have scripted. /ponder
  • Enchanter not mezzing? Had a few add situations and enchanter just stood there doing not much.
  • Haven't figured out setting and pulling to a campfire yet, because...I am teh n00b.
  • Thinking ENC should be set to puller, or I should drive with ENC and have them do the pulling, since the class generally rules all for that job
  • Leveled everyone like 2-3 levels, even with totally forgetting Lesson of the Devoted exists.
Conclusion - I am awful at this, but slightly less awful than I was the day before. Hopefully, Day 2 improves a smidge.
I hope this will help instead of cause more confusion, try Lootly for looting:

Enc mezzing is based on rules you set in the KA ini, in general they mezz a target specific mez spell based on if you have two or more mobs on hatelist, and a AOE mez spell (Area Effect - can mez a few mobs at a time) if you have 3 or more. You can change those mob numbers yourself. All mez spells have a limit to mob level they can mesmerize, as you are around level 10, you only have 1 mez spell available to you so far, and that spell can only mez level 1 mobs. Your next mez spell is around your level 13.
Keep at it and have fun on the learning curve. Totally worth the time and effort as the whole experience and interaction with this wonderful community just continues to make me smile 😊
Enchanter not mezzing? Had a few add situations and enchanter just stood there doing not much
wait until you roll your first bard - set it to be your CC - get all your songs aligned ... why isnt this working.... oh yeah, you have never used that skill and your bard is still fizzling the song from 10 mins ago.....

sounds like you are doing better than I did in my first few days :) keep at it!
There is a lot to learn. And the best way to learn is to try stuff. Its great that you are figuring stuff out yourself, and everyone on this site will be super helpful.

Ask Questions and let us know how things are progressing.

Out of Curiosity what is your Group Makeup?

Setting up a camp and killing mobs is fine if you plan on sitting around and killing the same mobs - but who has time/patience for that especially when low level. SO it is much more common to use the Huntertank type of method.
Set your MA - have everyone on Chase and go killing. You will be high level before you know it.

I would definitely get Lootly working and I'd also get some things like Gearly setup.

For real Quality of Life stuff...you want to be issuing commands to your group from your main toon.

These are just some of the things you can setup as Hotkeys

  • Everyone Camp Here
  • Everyone Chase me
  • Group Pause
  • Group Unpause
  • Group Un-invis
  • Double Invis
  • Oh-Shit Coth me Now
  • Everyone Use Fellowship
  • Everyone Use Primary Anchor
  • Everyone Use Lesson
  • Everyone Use Throne

I recommend you setup buttonmaster to handle all these different QOL things.
Day 2)
  • Everyone got 4 or 5 levels.
  • Changing the ChaseMA switch to 1 for all but the SK worked way better, although indoors and with obstacles, it is wonky pathfinding that requires a manual nudge here and there
  • Had to end KA, edit, and restart a few times on various toons, just some mana wasting and underperforming issues
  • Meditation is weird and I am researching it. I keep having to have tank issue /dge /sit to get medding to happen
  • BST has both DPSon and meleeON = 2, and I think that is goofing up and why BST only casts and never melees.. Researching
  • Installed lootly, and am slowly figuring out auto loot.
  • Remembered Lesson....handy.
Conclusion - a little less awful than yesterday, thanks to everyone for posting helpful hints. I put a bunch into use, and it showed.
The Mesh can be a big factor in toons chasing you. Shrinking will usually help. Keep your Mesh's up to date also helps.

Restarting KA - It doesnt hurt to restart KA. Especially if toons have died or something and are just standing about. Make a hotkey that looks something like this.

Start KA Hotkey
/dex toon1name /mac kissassist MAToonName 99
/dex toon2name /mac kissassist MAToonName 99
/dex toon3name /mac kissassist MAToonName 99
/dex toon4name /mac kissassist MAToonName 99
/dex toon5name /mac kissassist MAToonName 99

If your MA sits....your toons should follow suit and sit down. But then if they decide you need xx buff. they will stand up and cast it..this can cause no end of frustration. I advise you to have hotkey that Pauses everyone and a sit button.

/dgga /boxr pause on
(Mq2BOXR is another essential plugin if you are using multiple Automation methods. (KA/RGMERCS/MA/CWTN/etc.)

/Dgga /sit
And then have a Pause off button like this:
/dgga /boxr unpause

Post your BST Ini in full and we can probably give you some pointers.

The biggest issue with lootly - You might forget it is on, and then loot a named and all of a sudden you are looting everything on the wrong toon. Make sure you have a hotkey to turn it off when you need.
Also - you find the Lua interface to lootly really great. It is called Lootier - available in the Lua section.
Out of Curiosity what is your Group Makeup?
In the order I log them in: SK-ENC-CLR-BST-WIZ-MAG

On that MQ2Boxr thing, I did my first messing with the DanNet commands yesterday, and will definitely add all those QoL suggestions to at least my tank's hotbars.

The BST will be a quick set of experiments, and if I am still flummoxed, I'll be posting my questions.

All I did with Lootly was get it setup and running, and then I did manual master loot with my ENC. I do have ML figured out mostly, just not automated looting.
In the order I log them in: SK-ENC-CLR-BST-WIZ-MAG

On that MQ2Boxr thing, I did my first messing with the DanNet commands yesterday, and will definitely add all those QoL suggestions to at least my tank's hotbars.

The BST will be a quick set of experiments, and if I am still flummoxed, I'll be posting my questions.

All I did with Lootly was get it setup and running, and then I did manual master loot with my ENC. I do have ML figured out mostly, just not automated looting.
by the way, love for the Annashi Necro. <3 During some years before I found RedGuides, I would only play the bazaar game, sad I know, but Straha's tales helped my EQ fix.
by the way, love for the Annashi Necro. <3 During some years before I found RedGuides, I would only play the bazaar game, sad I know, but Straha's tales helped my EQ fix.
From that particular comic, I was telling someone else that I think "Blargh Death Death Death" would be an awesome name for a guild.
Added several of the QoL suggestions made by various folks, and minus trying to move a 6 box in Crescent Reach and the elevator nonsense, things are going well.

A few quirks and tweaks made daily, but everyone is 25, and I am putting the "quest" back into EQ by doing all the Hero Journey stuff just for nostalgia sake.

On a KA update note - no disrespect to CWTN, but I am actually OK with the every 5 level INI file updates that go with the characters. Tedious and time consuming, but I am no real hurry and I feel a decent knowledge connection by actually looking at spell descriptions, arranging the spellbooks, figuring out gem lineups and all. That said, to anyone thinking I am saying go with KA vs CWTN or something, when I say "tedious and time consuming" I mean I probably spend as much or more time buying, memming and arranging spells, and then tweaking KA INIs as I do actual EXP grinding. I am actually making a plug for CWTN that goes out to people far less masochistic than me. I am in it now and on my obsession fueled path, but folks, there is an easier way. 😎

EDIT - I just watched a video on MuleAssist, and maybe I can be less tedious and time consuming? LOL.
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by the way, love for the Annashi Necro. <3 During some years before I found RedGuides, I would only play the bazaar game, sad I know, but Straha's tales helped my EQ fix.
I have much appreciation for the folks in the bazaar they really helped me get back on my feet when I started up again.
Stupid - An MQ n00b's journal

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