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Question - an_anavat_of_Tranqulity (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
I am mucking around with automating some of the Into the Temple(b) task, and I am having a hard time targeting the turn in NPC at the end of the task "an avatar of traquility"

/target ID ${Spawn[avatar].ID}

and variations on it, returns No such spawn matching

nor does "/target tranq" or variations on it work either. Can click on the NPC just find but... apparently it is not a spawn? /boggle... (damn freaky little gnome...)

Was anyone else working on automating some of this task, and able to figure this out? or someone have a suggestion?
man I shouldn't try to spell when I am tired, just realized I mangled that thread title.. heh.

Anyways... the avatar is showing up on map, with /mapfilter untargetable hide

Can stand next to the avatar and F8 target , or click target , and shows up in target window just fine. "/echo ${Target.Type}" shows NPC

if I target the avatar and "/echo ${Target.ID}" then clear target and try "/target ID #####" I get "There are no spawns matching : (0-115) and ID: ####" (the actual ID number is moot since it is an instanced)

"/target npc" targets the a mob left up 2 rooms over. "/target npc ava" results in the "there are no spawns matching..."
"/itemtarget" doesn't work...(though /doortarget works on the skull next to avatar)

avatar level is 125... oddly... "/target npc 125" works! /mindf*ck

Thanks for the suggestions. Hopefully this can help anyone else trying to work on automating this mission as well

- - - Updated - - -

For what it is worth (incase someone else can use)

Rich (BB code):
|	TempleGive.MAC 1.0
|	Small macro designed to have the group looter give
|	the quest item to the "an avatar of Tranquility"
|	for the final stage of "Into the Temple"(b) task
|	Requirements:
|	MQ2MoveUtils
|	MQ2Task

Sub Main
	/target npc 125
	/if (${Target.CleanName.NotEqual[an avatar of Tranquility]}) {
		/echo Error! Avatar not targeted... ending...
		/if ${EQBC.Connected} /bc [+r+]Error! [+y+]Avatar not targeted... ending...
	/if (${Target.CleanName.Equal[an avatar of Tranquility]} && ${Target.Distance}>20) {
		/stick 10
		/delay 5s ${Target.Distance}<20
		/stick off
	/if (${Task.Step[6,2].NotEqual[Done]}) {
		/itemnotify "Select Verses of Sul" leftmouseup
		/delay 3s ${Cursor.ID}
		/if (${Cursor.ID}!=${FindItem[Select Verses of Sul].ID}) {
			/goto :Repeat1
		/if (${Cursor.ID}==${FindItem[Select Verses of Sul].ID}) {
			/click left target
			/click left target
			/delay 2s
			/notify GiveWnd GVW_Give_Button leftmouseup
			/delay 4s
	/if (${Task.Step[7,2].NotEqual[Done]}) {
		/itemnotify "Eternity" leftmouseup
		/delay 3s ${Cursor.ID}
		/if (${Cursor.ID}!=${FindItem[Eternity].ID}) {
			/goto :Repeat2
		/if (${Cursor.ID}==${FindItem[Eternity].ID}) {
			/click left target
			/click left target
			/delay 2s
			/notify GiveWnd GVW_Give_Button leftmouseup
			/delay 4s
	/if (${Task.Step[8,2].NotEqual[Done]}) {
		/itemnotify "Torn Page" leftmouseup
		/delay 3s ${Cursor.ID}
		/if (${Cursor.ID}!=${FindItem[Torn Page].ID}) {
			/goto :Repeat3
		/if (${Cursor.ID}==${FindItem[Torn Page].ID}) {
			/click left target
			/click left target
			/delay 2s
			/notify GiveWnd GVW_Give_Button leftmouseup
			/delay 4s
	/if (${Task.Step[9,2].NotEqual[Done]}) {
		/itemnotify "Fractured Mirror Fragment" leftmouseup
		/delay 3s ${Cursor.ID}
		/if (${Cursor.ID}!=${FindItem[Fractured Mirror Fragment].ID}) {
			/goto :Repeat3
		/if (${Cursor.ID}==${FindItem[Fractured Mirror Fragment].ID}) {
			/click left target
			/click left target
			/delay 2s
			/notify GiveWnd GVW_Give_Button leftmouseup
			/delay 4s
	/if (${Task.Step[8,2].NotEqual[Done]} || ${Task.Step[8,2].NotEqual[Done]} || ${Task.Step[8,2].NotEqual[Done]} || ${Task.Step[9,2].NotEqual[Done]}) {
		/echo Error handing in items... ending...
		/if (${EQBC.Connected}) /bc [+r+]Error handing in items... [+y+]ending...
	/if (${Task.Step[8,2].Equal[Done]} && ${Task.Step[8,2].Equal[Done]} && ${Task.Step[8,2].Equal[Done]} && ${Task.Step[9,2].Equal[Done]}) {
		/echo Sucess!
		/if (${EQBC.Connected}) /bc [+g+]Sucess turning in items!!
		/delay 5s
		/if (${Window[RewardSelectionWnd].Open}) /bcaa //nomodkey /notify RewardSelectionBottomPane RewardSelectionChooseButton leftmouseup	
		/macro Raiddruid

Obviously will want to edit the last line to reactive what ever bot macro you prefer to use on your looter toon.

This ought to look for and then turn in each of the 4 items needed to finish "Into the Temple(b)" and then accept the rewards. Time to chase some pillows now
Question - an_anavat_of_Tranqulity

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