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Question - Another Noob Question. (1 Viewer)


New member
Jan 16, 2017
Long ago in a cubicle far far away, I use to Program VB6

Is there a way to run a Macro in the same manner as you can a VB program in a Step Pause Step way? So you can see which line of
code you are on in "real time?" Like we could in the VB IDE?
While your writing it sure , but your talking about after its written and compiled ??? i believe it will break each line more less checking for errors as its executed you can press start again to run next code as it checks each line to assure its executing correctly . if thats what your asking . /shrug
No. But I would like to create a macro debugger where u can set breakpoint and step through it line by line. It's been on my todo list forever it's not supercomplicated but would take a lot of time to get right... I'll get to it one day I'm sure.

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I think your would have to set up and lite EQ emulator, and the debug output would have to go to an MQ window, but when the code hit the breakpoint it would so up on your editor. Hmmm.
So the editor would have to be part of your EQ EMULATOR and or again just go into an MQ window? Wow, your right would take a lot of time to do.

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I hope all my noob questions are not too much.
Question - Another Noob Question.

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