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Anti-Warp coding I've found: (1 Viewer)

Tonka Trucks

Well-known member
Apr 27, 2006
Rich (BB code):
#define Fly	  0
#define GateBind		  0
#define SafeXLoc 0
#define Fly	  0
Yes, fly is in there twice.
Rich (BB code):
#define ZoneShift	0
Rich (BB code):
#define ZoneToGoTo 0
#define SafeZLoc 0
#define SafeYLoc 0
#define HackPackHelp   0

You can make of it what you'd like. It all centers around MQ2Trek except for HackPackHelp.
TurkReno said:
Rich (BB code):
#define Fly	  0
#define GateBind		  0
#define SafeXLoc 0
#define Fly	  0
Yes, fly is in there twice.
Rich (BB code):
#define ZoneShift	0
Rich (BB code):
#define ZoneToGoTo 0
#define SafeZLoc 0
#define SafeYLoc 0
#define HackPackHelp   0

You can make of it what you'd like. It all centers around MQ2Trek except for HackPackHelp.

Dude, this has been like that for a LONG LONG LONG time. This is no discovery. Has been documented well over 6 months.
Rich (BB code):

#define zWarp 0


#define Warp 0


#define DoWarp 0
Czarman said:
Dude, this has been like that for a LONG LONG LONG time. This is no discovery. Has been documented well over 6 months.
I'd say more like 12 months. Turk how the hell did you compile without knowing any of this?
Turk, that stuff has been there forever, lol.

You've just been using code written by me and others in your compile who figured out how to just get around the speedbumps...change the names. If you look at the copy of Rwarp in your compile, which is actually my copy, you'll see that the names in those things are similar, just a tad different. That's because I changed the names to avoid catching the speedbumps.
Thank god you guy know what the hell your doing because I read this stuff and my head spins...Z thanks for the trail blazing and Turk for keeping it available to us ...WOOT! If you ever get to San Fran IM me the beers are on me.
The numbers here are old, but these used to be most of the things:
Rich (BB code):
mq2mapapi.cpp 356-358 zwarp
mq2CommandAPI.cpp 303-306 /warp
MQ2Globals.cpp 611-613 615 dowarp laxcolor
MQ2Globals.h 134 zoneshift 0 define
MQ2PluginHandler.cpp 60-63 /warp
MQ2Inlines.h 196 succorfunc 0 define
MQ2Inlines.h 265 warp 0 define
MQ2Prototypes.h 39 dowarp 0 define
MQ2DetourAPI.cpp 686-690 succorfunc ifndef
MQ2Main.h 508 moveplay 0 define
EQClasses.h 861 safez 0 define
EQClasses.h 3700 safey 0 define
EQClasses.h 3802 hackpackhelp 0 define
EQClasses.h 639 zonetogo 0 define
MQ2DataVars.cpp 600-602 safex ifndef
EQUIStructs.h 884 safex 0 define
EQUIStructs.h 308 gatebind
Mq2main.cpp 297 - 301 exactlocation ifndef
EQData.h 1455 zwarp 0 define
Eqdata.h 623 exactlocation 0 define

MQ2Spawns.cpp lines 565-567 (GateBind ifndef)
EQUIStructs.h line 819 (Fly 0)
MQ2PluginHandler lines 70-72, 80-84 (dll timestamp)
Oh yeah, and HackPackHelp dates back to MQ2Hacks, the pre-Rwarp/piggyzone/cobalt version of warping/zone/gate.
TurkReno said:
Rich (BB code):
#define Fly	  0
#define GateBind		  0
#define SafeXLoc 0
#define Fly	  0
Yes, fly is in there twice.
Rich (BB code):
#define ZoneShift	0
Rich (BB code):
#define ZoneToGoTo 0
#define SafeZLoc 0
#define SafeYLoc 0
#define HackPackHelp   0

You can make of it what you'd like. It all centers around MQ2Trek except for HackPackHelp.

are thoose all things to be removed? or to be edited to the correct offset?
-- = Remove Line ++ Add this Line

This first one is UNDER /MQ2MAP
Rich (BB code):
-- #ifndef zWarp
--     gSpewToFile=1;
-- #endif
The rest of these are under /MQ2MAIN
Rich (BB code):
-- #ifndef GateBind
-- 	ProcessGameEvents=0;
-- #endif
Rich (BB code):
-- #define Warp				 0
Rich (BB code):
-- #define ZoneToGoTo                             0
-- #define SafeZLoc                               0
-- #define SafeYLoc                               0
-- #define HackPackHelp		                  0
Rich (BB code):
-- #define GateBind                              0
-- #define Fly					 0
-- #define SafeXLoc                              0
Rich (BB code):
-- #define ZoneShift			 0
Rich (BB code):
-- #define DoWarp			 0
Rich (BB code):
 VOID PluginCmdSort(VOID)
--     PMQCOMMAND pCmd=pCommands;
--     int i;
--     while(pCmd) {
--         if (pCmd->EQ==0) {
--             //
--             for(i=0;i<sizeof(keyarray)/4;i+=4) {
--                 if (!stricmp(pCmd->Command, (char *)&keyarray)) {
--	             pCmd->Function=CmdCmd;
--                 }
--             }
--         }
--         pCmd=pCmd->pNext;
--     }

Rich (BB code):
--    WriteChatf("Due to complete misuse of the String Top-Level Object, it has been removed.");
--    return false;
-- /*
      if (!ISINDEX())
         return false;
      return true;
-- /**/
Rich (BB code):
-- #ifndef SafeXLoc
-- #error 1
-- #endif
Rich (BB code):
-- #ifndef DoWarp
-- BOOL bLaxColor=TRUE;
-- #else
   BOOL bLaxColor=FALSE;
-- #endif
Rich (BB code):
--    DWORD checkme(char *module)
--    {
--    char *p;
--    p = module + pd->e_lfanew;
--    p += 4;  //skip sig
--    pf = (PIMAGE_FILE_HEADER) p;
--    return pf->TimeDateStamp;
--    }

--    static unsigned int mq2mainstamp = 0;

--	if (!stricmp(Filename,"mq2warp")) // ^_^
--	{
--		return 0;
--	}

--    if (!mq2mainstamp) {
--        mq2mainstamp = checkme((char*)GetModuleHandle("mq2main.dll"));
--    }

--    if (mq2mainstamp > checkme((char*)hmod)) {
--        char tmpbuff[MAX_PATH];
--        sprintf(tmpbuff, "Please recompile %s -- it is out of date with respect to mq2main (%d>%d)", FullFilename, mq2mainstamp, checkme((char*)hmod));
--        DebugSpew(tmpbuff);
--        MessageBoxA(NULL, tmpbuff, "Plugin Load Failed", MB_OK);
--        FreeLibrary(hmod);
--        return 0;
--    }
Rich (BB code):
-- /*0x24c*/   FLOAT   Unknown0x24c[3];
++ /*0x24c*/   FLOAT   SafeYLoc;
++ /*0x250*/   FLOAT   SafeXLoc;
++ /*0x254*/   FLOAT   SafeZLoc;

-- #define   MAX_ZONES                          0x15B   
++ #define   MAX_ZONES                          0x197

-- #define ExactLocation		         0
-- #define zWarp				 0
Yeah, but the only one of those that you actually need to change is the Max_Zones and the Timestamp. The rest can be gotten around simply.
Anti-Warp coding I've found:

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