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AnyoneMissing ? (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
Helping to update the MQ2 Wiki some via the release notes, some of the stuff I glanced over at the release time and moved on since hey, wasn't something I was working with (like most folks) But going back over them , there is a purpose behind it all! (of course)

One of those that stood out for me that I thought might be worth mentioning (for folks who script tasks and such) is the ".AnyoneMissing" addition to the Group TLO.

Rich (BB code):
Sub GroupCheck(Delay)
	/if (${Group.AnyoneMissing}) {
		/call Message "Someone missing, delaying ${Delay}s"
		/delay ${Delay}s !${Group.AnyoneMissing}
		/goto :grouploop

or something to this nature.

Few other neat additions
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That's so much cleaner than what I'd been using:

Rich (BB code):
	/declare g int local
	| Do this once for each group member
	/for g 1 to ${Group.Members}
        | If the spawn is null, the group member is not in zone - check logic/syntax, not sure on this one
	/if (!${Spawn[${Group.Member[${g}]}].ID}) {
		/echo ${Group.Member[${g}]} is not in zone. I'm too lonely to continue.
		/call exit
	/next g
	| Clean up local variable
	/deletevar g
heh aye, the Developers have been coming up with some neat stuff.

Had the idea kicking around in my head to start a TaskGeneral.INC , with common subs for task stuff. Redid the initial GroupCheck a little to allow for a variable delay in the call "/call GroupCheck 30" for instance.

I also like the additional various merc counts, so you can plug in different settings if for instance someone is using a tank merc, pull less mobs, or 2 healer mercs, make sure one is balanced and the other reactive, or what ever you can dream up. I don't currently have a use for it, but can certainly see the possibilities.
AnyoneMissing ?

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