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Question - auto combat kissassist & mq2melee ?? one or both (1 Viewer)

Jan 1, 2009
I box a bard and two other chars and use bard as main puller my question is can i use just kiss assist to stick to mob run all my abilities and songs and not have the rubberband effect fighting for control of sticking to mobs. Every time I update mq i have this same issue over and over i can either stick or not stick is there a way to set up a overall command to toggle sticks on off? so i can run mq melee This is the number one feature with mq2 i find most frustrating..
not sure how KISS would handle it butt off hand if you dont want to use stick... unload MQ2Moveutils from bard. That is the plugin providing the stick function.

I am not fluent enough with KISS to knwo if you are able to edit the stick commands during combat, I am sure someone else will be happy to provide that info.
I have found that if too many toons, not sure how many too many is, maybe more than 2, that have the same StickHow setting, there is usually a conflict in positioning with another toon causing positional issues.

Rich (BB code):

So I mix them up, only 1 or 2 with StickHow=loose, 1 or 2 with StickHow=!front, 1 or 2 with StickHow=behindonce, and finally only 1 with StickHow=snaproll rear (rogue). Snaproll rear causes the most problems for me so I make sure only 1 toon is using it.

I've also noticed, and this makes no sense, that things kinda need to warm up. I mean after running it awhile it seems to resolve itself partially...
Question - auto combat kissassist & mq2melee ?? one or both

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