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Problem - Autologin with 4 charx . (1 Viewer)


New member
Dec 11, 2020
So i am so new to this. I have loaded autologin but when i load all 3 of my 4 charx load and the 4th is at the world screen with the 3 sec window up . I wait and wait for her to load then do her manually. So not sure what is wrong thanks
So i am so new to this. I have loaded autologin but when i load all 3 of my 4 charx load and the 4th is at the world screen with the 3 sec window up . I wait and wait for her to load then do her manually. So not sure what is wrong thanks
Welcome @ashien glad to have you!

double check you have the name correct for the 4th login.

if it thinks its looking for Bob, but your toon is named Bib, it won't log anything in
Problem - Autologin with 4 charx .

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