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Request - Bahhh, frigging pet is tuning into a maintenance nightmare... (1 Viewer)

Oct 8, 2015
I have been using this fine product a couple months now and am still working through the ton of options and configuration options. Gotta love the fact that I can choose my play style based on the flexibility of adjusting my ini files. Fantastic.

I manually control a necro as my pullerpettank, box the rest of the team as: shammy, chanter, cleric and usually a mage (on TLP)

The issue I have currently after the last patch, is that I am spending a ton of time buffing the pets and they are getting killed faster then I can manually switch to the healers and heal them.

Is there any thought with the recent changes to add a more robust pet heal section to allow the clerics and other healer types available to heal them automatically?

Put the pet on an extended target slot <search how this may be possible on TLP> then set your healer to watch that xtarget. This will get healed like any other. Alternatively have the healers use the pet as MA, they will heal it then.
Hmm, so I do not have extended window up half the time as some times it comes up, sometimes it does not in TLP, rather hit and miss, no clue how to set the pet as MA on TLP either as attempting to right click him only transfers the role to the me as the pet owner.

I will look at the xtarget thing but with the window not available not sure that is going to work but good suggestions.

Request - Bahhh, frigging pet is tuning into a maintenance nightmare...

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