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Bannings. General Question (I'm a Paranoid Android) (1 Viewer)


New member
Aug 10, 2005
As I'm reading through the forums, I see alot of people with BANNED in their sig.

Is this a running joke, or are you guys getting banned.

The reason I'm asking is because obviously, I can't afford to be banned. What are the possibilities of being banned? I only am macroing in instanced zones, noone knows I'm using this ingame, and don't use /warp in my macros.

I also use GM detection. How are people getting banned macroing? From macroing in non-instanced zones like HoH, PoF etc? Running their mouths ingame telling everyone what they are doing ?

I'm trying to avoid any issues by playing as smart as possible, and not abusing anything, I really only want to use this whole setup to make leveling easier, and get AA's.

Am I relatively safe? Your stories are greatly appreciated.

Thanks again guys.
As for me, I have not been banned and have used /warp, went afk for countless hours in MPG groups while macroing (when invited to group, said "no english", hence, no need for chatter) extensively for a year, with that said, I have never disclosed to anyone within the game I used MQ nor have I done anything too wrong (such as ghosting to kill mob). In essence, if you don't abuse the power too much, you should be fine. Remember, loose lips sinks ships.

we the only ones on the forum today brotha'? hehehe yeah. I agree.

So motto is, Keep your farking mouth shut, and don't ghost.

Good to know. Thanks man.
In fairness, I was banned when not one other person ever knew of or witnessed my action; I even deleted the loot I got from killing in instances (I exploited ghosting in Ikki 1 - 3.) I kept my use of ghosting at 3:00 am - 5:00 am pst, when there's no other players in KT let alone GoD, nor is there GM support on to catch you.

What did get me, even though I didn't believe it at the time, was the server logs. All though they wouldn't give me the 'exact logs' for risk of me posting it here (which I would,) being that I was buddies with one of the GMs, he provided me with details on what happened.

Normal warping is logged by the server, it just notes that you were at x,y,z at time stamp 1, then were at x,y,z at time stamp 2 - if it's a jump that can't be made in reasonable 'normal' time. The server generally discards such warps as 'lag burps.' But, when there's over 2-3,000 (my number was something like 9,000) in a weeks time, the GMs never have to see you, they don't care about your story, and even being friends with a GM won't matter - it goes to and through one of the GM-Admins, whom the normal GMs work under - they give the 'ban his ass' without sympathy. I.e. I never got a email, I never got to talk to a GM, I simply couldn't login one day and had to ICQ him, and eventually e-mail the GM-admin (who directed me to account status,) account status told me I wasn't welcome in EQ heh - perm ban with one minor prior offense.

What did me in was ghosting, turning it off to get exp, then turning it back on. That triggered just way too many logs. Killing 75 mobs in an instance, turning ghosting on and off everytime.. that's a lot of warping.

In my case I didn't get greedy, just unlucky - that's the risk you take doing this. Was it worth it? No, it wasn't. Do I regret it? No, my life has gotten so much better since being forced away from EQ.

No offense...but ghosting IS being greedy in my eyes. Especially using it to kills mobs you shouldn't be able to kill solo. There are somethings I think are ok. Like macroing for instance, and maybe stuff like seeinvis etc etc...but doing what you were doing IMHO was begging to be banned.

I'm not sure if that is excessive compared to others here, or if people are doing worse than you described and not being banned. To me, that's really playing with fire.

What I really want to know is if any of these macroing people with 1000 AA's that say they were banned were banned for something as trivial as macroing in an instance leveling legitly for the most part. I.E no ghosting.
Most people get banned from warping and ghosting or wearing items they cant really wear...i would think personally that macroing in general is ok especialy if ure not warping around...U should be fine
Smokinghot, thank you for putting my mind at relative ease.

I love this game, I respect the work of all you guys, and generally just love getting my hands into shit, no matter what it is I do.

This gives me enjoyment. I like tweaking macros, and watching them run flawlessly etc. I'm not about cheating like solo ganking mobs and stuff like that, I just wanna play the game how I want to play it, as long as I'm not ruining others game play experience.

I don't think that's too much to ask. :D

Anywho, thanks for the help with all my newbish questions.

Take care guys.
You should be fine then, but remember, in the end there isn't that great a difference from macroing 1000 AAs and ghosting on mobs for exp. I had 4 accounts - I could have killed those mobs, it's just quicker and easier to ghost. Same with AAs, you can do them on your on, it's just easier to macro.

With macroing, unless you play on a server like legends, your only chance of getting banned is from the random random random GM check on a instance, and as I said, there's not much support to do that late at night; or if someone catches you and bugs the GMs till you're done using it.

Using Macroquest is greedy. It's really the difference between stealing for yourself or stealing to feed your family - it's still stealing, and there's still that risk.

p.s. learn the hotspots and avoid them - the GMs know where to look for people macroing. Best thing is to macro while around, so you can respond. GM detect doesn't mean anything anymore.

p.p.s. - they're becoming complacent to the fact so many people use MQ, so even if you do get caught it won't be a ban. It'll be a suspension for a few days.
Ghosting is not like warping under the world...i dont know exactly how its done but i thought it had something to do with warping back and forth alot really really fast which is why there were so mant bannings of the people getting 9000+ or more warps in a week

i may just be really retarded and not know jack to lol so ya never know
Hehe, I actually like playing the game at another level (i.e. agenst the game keepers themselves).

I've come close to being caught, and was suspended only once when I first started using exploits (pre-MQ). When you expect to get caught, it puts you at ease. Its just a matter of when I guess.

The trick is to not get greedy, and second, to be patient.
smokinghot said:
Ghosting is not like warping under the world...i dont know exactly how its done but i thought it had something to do with warping back and forth alot really really fast which is why there were so mant bannings of the people getting 9000+ or more warps in a week

i may just be really retarded and not know jack to lol so ya never know
That's melee ghost, not the seksi ghost.
Bannings. General Question (I'm a Paranoid Android)

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