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Question - Bard Single Target Mez (1 Viewer)

Feb 8, 2005
So I want to code this, but shit I can't even figure out how to effectively use it while playing my character. How do actual humans do this?

target mez mob /melody 12 (single target mez gem)
wait for it to hit, then move to the next?
Most I can get is like 2 mobs with a war march in between.

Does it get better than that?
That situation is one of those times when you cannot use /mel at all. You will have a key set to let you switch back and forth between the 2 targets and you'll keep an eye on the short buff window and refresh anything you consider to be critical.
With A Tune Stuck in your Head running, should be able to lock down 3-4 mobs with single target mez pretty easily. Granted, won't be twisting in much else (if anything) at all.

You should be able to target your next mob mid-cast as well.

/cast #
Target next mob.
Mez Lands, /cast #, /cast #
Target next mob.
Repeat as necessary.
Bards are the hardest class to play for real. You need 4 arms and you can never talk to anyone because you are to busy twisting for real by clicking all your hot keys manually. medley is for when the group is medding or you have to go the bathroom.
Question - Bard Single Target Mez

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