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bards on cazic thule that need 1.5 (1 Viewer)


New member
Apr 20, 2005
well I guess any class really, but bard epic is the only one I've done boxing. But I just did the whole bard 1.5 in 6 hours for a friend(had 1.0 already). Anyone else on CT interested? Pm me.

edit: was a little vague. you need to have:
epic 1.0 (I guess we could also do the 1.0 quest, I've never done it though)
8x dragorn blood
8x enchanted velium bars
8x diamonds
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tehseans said:
well I guess any class really, but bard epic is the only one I've done boxing. But I just did the whole bard 1.5 in 6 hours for a friend(had 1.0 already). Anyone else on CT interested? Pm me.

edit: was a little vague. you need to have:
epic 1.0 (I guess we could also do the 1.0 quest, I've never done it though)
8x dragorn blood
8x enchanted velium bars
8x diamonds

/movelog lmao j/k im having hell getting my 1.5 just started a few days ago but as a casual player i guess it would be a pain

anyone know of a good walk-thru other then alla and divas just wondering if there any others out there i could look at

BTW yah i love the avator
legit killing. taciv level gear on 8 characters that a friend and I bot. to beat DN2 we just use uncommon strats to handle all the adds and such.

mq2 for healer bots and stuff though
bards on cazic thule that need 1.5

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