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Bans - Beastlord DPS? (1 Viewer)

Turaj Steelfist

Seasoned veteran member
Apr 3, 2020
So I am running CWTN plugin for bst and i have never played a bst before. I killed my firts namer in CoV with my group of pally, zerkx2, shm, enc, bst. Up to this point the bst has not impressed me, however, on this namer he did over 50 million dmg whereas the 2nd place was under 25 million. Are bst that great on namer burns?
So I am running CWTN plugin for bst and i have never played a bst before. I killed my firts namer in CoV with my group of pally, zerkx2, shm, enc, bst. Up to this point the bst has not impressed me, however, on this namer he did over 50 million dmg whereas the 2nd place was under 25 million. Are bst that great on namer burns?
they are great until they run out of mana which is at the 2minute mark if raid geared...
2 things
1)bst is more support than pure dps. yes on BURNS they are superb, BUT the key to having a bst in group is the synergy. having that +14,400dmg per hit for 20hits is SUPER nice.
on zlandicar burns replacing my bst with a 3rd zerker i actually had a lower burn than with the bst in group.
2)wiht your group i would recommend replacing hte ench wiht a bard.
enchanters bring alot to a group, moreso to a caster group, bard brings a TON to a melee based group. swaping chanter for bard would increase your groups dps by a fair amount

bsts burn through a fair amount of mana(heres where bard helps alot, if you ahve him twisting in the chorus during combat and the crescendo out of combat, mana is kept good)
BUT you need a h2h+1hb bst/monk as well as a bandolier 2hb monk/bst to maximize the dps out put using cwtn pluggin
My bst's have always done well in general dps, and up to exceptional on burns. As others have pointed out, in a good burn, that doesnt last long, bst can amaze.

Also with the blanket across the board DD bump, helps them (and rngs) get a little more.
I've mained a BST since they came out, way back when. What Arander has to say is spot on, both about the BST and about switching to a bard instead of enchanter for a melee group.

1)bst is more support than pure dps. yes on BURNS they are superb, BUT the key to having a bst in group is the synergy. having that +14,400dmg per hit for 20hits is SUPER nice.
on zlandicar burns replacing my bst with a 3rd zerker i actually had a lower burn than with the bst in group.
2)wiht your group i would recommend replacing hte ench wiht a bard.
enchanters bring alot to a group, moreso to a caster group, bard brings a TON to a melee based group. swaping chanter for bard would increase your groups dps by a fair amount

bsts burn through a fair amount of mana(heres where bard helps alot, if you ahve him twisting in the chorus during combat and the crescendo out of combat, mana is kept good)
BUT you need a h2h+1hb bst/monk as well as a bandolier 2hb monk/bst to maximize the dps out put using cwtn pluggin
Yea I have a bard too, but I decided for the enc for the superb CC. I am not in a hurry to kill most things, but I sure do like to live when I do a bad pull :p. I actually plan on dropping one zerker and putting in a rog eventually.
I have issues keeping good dps with my beast. He seems subpar dps compared to a rogue / zerker. I would rather have my shaman in the group.
I have to agree, it's not about the bst, it's about the group.

Anytime you create a group you have to keep in mind the synergy brought to the group by the beastlord. For instance, my zerkers are permanently full endurance because beast.
My zerkers do more dmg because bst.
My mana casters keep in the mana longer because bst.
My beastlord can do phenomenal damage in general and especially on a burn.
The recent change to the way the cwtn plugins handle our GoM/GGoM usage greatly improved the adherence to the Dot/Nuke mana mins. Which probably toned them down in the general fights, but gave them the ability to hold onto mana for the namers.

In general, you want a group that has synergy that works for the entire group.


Rogue Synergy for example helps Rangers, Rogues, Tanks, Monks, Bards (Kick!), andddddd Zerkarz!
3 next hits for extra 38.4k (12/13) because I haven't ToL'd my rogue to 120.

So this means you probably don't want to put a rogue in your Shd/Enc/Shm/Wiz/Mag group, the potential ends up being wasted.

Beastlords are also melee based.

Bards can go either way. Which makes them a great addition to any group.

Knights keep people alive (Sk shown)

Clerics do clericy things.

Zerkers are Melee

Enchanter good in caster group. Not so much in melee group.

So on and so forth. I'm sure you get the idea.

But you also have to extend past just the synergy's. While they're a good guideline, you also have to consider the benefits of say a cleric vs a shaman. Shaman gets a hp buff, bunch of haste and melee proc stuff. Where as a cleric can heal people, do fancy combat rezzes, has a shaman stackable hp buff. So you will end up sacrificing to gain one thing for another.

But at the end of the day if you want to run an enchanter in your melee group, put the beastlord in the caster group, and run a shaman in the group with the cleric and druid, then do that. Change it up. Make it more of a challenge.
BST-ZERK synergy is fantastic. BST-BRD-ZERK synergy is completely bonkers good. Zerks really need that ADPS support to reach they're full potential so a proper comparison would involve examining your entire group's overall DPS with and without the BST vs comparing individual character DPS. Personally, I'd rather have 1 zerk with proper ADPS support than 3 Zerks on their own.
I agree with everything everyone else has told you, but just as a side note- before I read you have a bard already I was going to suggest you level up a ranger while you leveled up a bard, if for no other reason than access to this line of buffs. I can definitely tell a difference when I've buffed my melee crew with it.
Yea I have a bard too, but I decided for the enc for the superb CC. I am not in a hurry to kill most things, but I sure do like to live when I do a bad pull :p. I actually plan on dropping one zerker and putting in a rog eventually.
bard can mez almost as good as chanter of same level.
single target 2.5sec cast time 42 sec duration
aoe 2.5s cast time 30 to 45 secs up to 6 targets.
i pull multis almost all the time and rarely die because a mob isnt mezzed
just make sure you ahve a good KA INI for your bard and up to date songs and u shouldnt have a issue
the pure dps boost the bard brings to every melee in group is sooooo big

I did a zlandicar yesterday using bard group full burn hit 6.7m dps
today i did it same group swapped bard for enchanter(all where max aa pre TOL, and are full t3 cov group gear) and full burn was 4.3m. first kill of the day both days so all burns where avail.
2 things
1)bst is more support than pure dps. yes on BURNS they are superb, BUT the key to having a bst in group is the synergy. having that +14,400dmg per hit for 20hits is SUPER nice.
on zlandicar burns replacing my bst with a 3rd zerker i actually had a lower burn than with the bst in group.
2)wiht your group i would recommend replacing hte ench wiht a bard.
enchanters bring alot to a group, moreso to a caster group, bard brings a TON to a melee based group. swaping chanter for bard would increase your groups dps by a fair amount

bsts burn through a fair amount of mana(heres where bard helps alot, if you ahve him twisting in the chorus during combat and the crescendo out of combat, mana is kept good)
BUT you need a h2h+1hb bst/monk as well as a bandolier 2hb monk/bst to maximize the dps out put using cwtn pluggin
The bit about the bando swap was new to me. Can you expand on that a little bit, if you don't mind? Just curious what's the synergy here. I use CWTN and just have my beast setup with a 2hb. But if it's better to have both that is great to know.
BST wants to be using a 2H when burning, 1H/HtH setup when not burning.

Why 2H for burning? Because of Vindication line as well as how Hundred Hands Effect works.
Why 1H when not burning? For Gelid Rending procs
Thanks for the explanation on this one, I appreciate it! That makes sense.
Also, just setting them up in Bandolier is sufficient if you use the cwtn plugin. The plugin handles the swapping based on which is most appropriate, you don't have to manually swap them.
The bit about the bando swap was new to me. Can you expand on that a little bit, if you don't mind? Just curious what's the synergy here. I use CWTN and just have my beast setup with a 2hb. But if it's better to have both that is great to know.
aye as CheshireGat said. During burns there are 2 lines that require 2h to proc, rest of the time there are CAs that are used that need h2h for max effect and others that are used that required 1hb for effect.
can be named anything, CWTN pluggin just looks to see what is in the bando to swap when needed.
If your only using 1hb+h2h ur missing on massive dmg procs under certain abilities,
if ur only using 2h your really killing your non burn dps
With TOL max AA BST, 1h has been doing more damage in burns - so I just leave the box unchecked. This is based on one of our guild mains - BST is my alt but I trust his advice.
BST wants to be using a 2H when burning, 1H/HtH setup when not burning.

Why 2H for burning? Because of Vindication line as well as how Hundred Hands Effect works.
Why 1H when not burning? For Gelid Rending procs
These forums really are a treasure trove of information. You guys are great. This increased my overall group DPS by about 100k on average. I didn't really track the BST but had been keeping tabs on my group damage. Thanks again!
Yea I have a bard too, but I decided for the enc for the superb CC. I am not in a hurry to kill most things, but I sure do like to live when I do a bad pull :p. I actually plan on dropping one zerker and putting in a rog eventually.

How well geared is your tank? I've been pulling 4-8 VT mobs at a time with a shammy healing a raid-geared SK and a bard with mez turned off.... my team blows through the first couple so fast that it hasn't been a problem.
Just Dissident/Composite Fury is a good enough reason to keep a Beast around, let alone everything else they bring... that buff is $$$
My bst is the red-headed step child of my stable. I always forget about him. I won't get him quest items, etc. Probably because he's a wood elf. But believe me I notice when he's not in the group. They add a TON of value.
My tank is not that geared at all I have a lot of crafted ToV visibles and a mix of T1/T2 ToV non visibles. I use Sic's bard ini and don't get me wrong it is nice and i can tell the difference in dps but my enc CWTN plugin is 100% more noticeable on CC. To give you an example... I pull 6 Tizmacks in GD at once when I have my enc, I pop shield flash and before it wears off my enc has them locked down, on my brd i tried that once, i hit shield flash and all my defensive AAs and died before the bard could get them mezzed. Could that have been a fluke? maybe but I won't be trying that again any time soon.

I have always been an enchanter lover anyhow and have absolutely zero idea of how a bard works so that bias is definitely rearing its ugly head. We all have those classes that give us that warm fuzzy and for me with my crew setup enc is better than bard.
My tank is not that geared at all I have a lot of crafted ToV visibles and a mix of T1/T2 ToV non visibles. I use Sic's bard ini and don't get me wrong it is nice and i can tell the difference in dps but my enc CWTN plugin is 100% more noticeable on CC. To give you an example... I pull 6 Tizmacks in GD at once when I have my enc, I pop shield flash and before it wears off my enc has them locked down, on my brd i tried that once, i hit shield flash and all my defensive AAs and died before the bard could get them mezzed. Could that have been a fluke? maybe but I won't be trying that again any time soon.

I have always been an enchanter lover anyhow and have absolutely zero idea of how a bard works so that bias is definitely rearing its ugly head. We all have those classes that give us that warm fuzzy and for me with my crew setup enc is better than bard.
Don’t get me wrong … enchanters are game breaking in what they can do… until this expansion I always ran a ENC and Cleric in my main group. But, now that I’m a bit more savvy with my SK and he’s overgeared for all group content, the shammy/bard is a great alternative. I forget if you said if the bard and enchanter are on the same account, but you *could* run the enchanter out of group and get a decent return. It’ll still mez, although it’ll be a little slower than if they were in group (this is using kiss… no idea if there’s a CWTN enc plugin or what it’s capabilities are).
Bans - Beastlord DPS?

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