I have issues keeping good dps with my beast. He seems subpar dps compared to a rogue / zerker. I would rather have my shaman in the group.
I have to agree, it's not about the bst, it's about the group.
Anytime you create a group you have to keep in mind the synergy brought to the group by the beastlord. For instance, my zerkers are permanently full endurance because beast.
My zerkers do more dmg because bst.
My mana casters keep in the mana longer because bst.
My beastlord can do phenomenal damage in general and especially on a burn.
The recent change to the way the cwtn plugins handle our GoM/GGoM usage greatly improved the adherence to the Dot/Nuke mana mins. Which probably toned them down in the general fights, but gave them the ability to hold onto mana for the namers.
In general, you want a group that has synergy that works for the entire group.
Rogue Synergy for example helps Rangers, Rogues, Tanks, Monks, Bards (Kick!), andddddd Zerkarz!
3 next hits for extra 38.4k (12/13) because I haven't ToL'd my rogue to 120.
So this means you probably don't want to put a rogue in your Shd/Enc/Shm/Wiz/Mag group, the potential ends up being wasted.
Beastlords are also melee based.
Bards can go either way. Which makes them a great addition to any group.
Knights keep people alive (Sk shown)
Clerics do clericy things.
Zerkers are Melee
Enchanter good in caster group. Not so much in melee group.
So on and so forth. I'm sure you get the idea.
But you also have to extend past just the synergy's. While they're a good guideline, you also have to consider the benefits of say a cleric vs a shaman. Shaman gets a hp buff, bunch of haste and melee proc stuff. Where as a cleric can heal people, do fancy combat rezzes, has a shaman stackable hp buff. So you will end up sacrificing to gain one thing for another.
But at the end of the day if you want to run an enchanter in your melee group, put the beastlord in the caster group, and run a shaman in the group with the cleric and druid, then do that. Change it up. Make it more of a challenge.