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Bellfast 3: The Hive (1 Viewer)

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Active member
May 22, 2006
Bellfast 3: The Hive
CLOSING THREAD due to nerfing,
If you have any questions feel free to PM me,
I'm leaving the .dll's up due to MQ2mission not being updated and this one is..
Red Cents are appreciated

EDIT:: Use this macro as you wish, Seems they nerfed it even more and is now only giving 1-2%aa exp per run at level 70, Sorry guys :mad:

Now Updated with all the fixes.

This macro....

[Obtains the task
[Zones in
[Does the task
--Opens 17 cocoons
--This is optional
[Drops task and requests a new one
[Zones out
[Zones back into the new instanced and does everything again...

Please read the instructions....
You need to request the mission yourself before starting the mission ( /mission 8134 ) you need to request it once and once only, it will request the mission again once it loops.

Note: I have already put in checks for GM's,
Place them inside the :cocoon section if you want to include them.

Rich (BB code):
| Name: 	cocoon.mac
| Author:       devlin
| Helper:       WickedMetalHead
| Helper2:      The Gnome
| For:          Redguides, and REDGUIDES ONLY.
| Automatically does the Bellfast 3 Hive Mission for Cocoon EXP.
| Note: You must have atleast 3 in your group to obtain mission.
| You need a current version of MQ2mission to use this.
| You MUST have a current version of MQ2copen	
| You MUST have a current version of MQ2switch
| You MUST have a current version of MQ2mission
| You do NOT need faction with bellfast to request a mission.
| To run this mission, you must start in Drachnidhive (The Hive).
| Change these lines to your own preferance
| ( Line 56 depending on your zoning time ) 
| ( Line 130 if you want to use Invis. or not )

#Chat Say
#Chat Group
#Chat Tell

#Event TooSoon "A mystical"
#Event Bank "You now have 30 ability points"
#Event Invis "You feel yourself starting to"

#turbo 10

Sub Main
/echo |--------------------------------------
/echo | Bellfast:3 The Hive                  
/echo | Macro created by Devlin.            
/echo | Must have the following plugins loaded              
/echo | MQ2switch    &&    MQ2copen       
/echo | This macro is NOT for an AFK usage.
/echo | If you are not in drachnidhive this will not work    
/echo |--------------------------------------

/declare InString string outer 
/declare OutString string outer 

/call GMCheck
/popup ${OutString}
/call Checks

/call ZoneIn
/delay 6s
/call DoTask
/delay 3s
/call NewTask
/delay 3s
/call Leave
/delay 4s
/goto :Cocoon

| Some Checks..                                               
 Sub Checks 


/if (${SpawnCount[pc radius 100]}>1) { 
     /echo Player is close...
     /echo Pausing the Macro until they leave... 
     /keypress forward 
     /delay 5s
     /goto :check
/if (${Spawn[gm].ID}) { 
     /echo GM has entered the zone!!
     /echo Damn GM's interrupting me...
     /keypress forward  
     /delay 5s
     /goto :check
 /doevents next

| Some more checks                                          
 Sub checks2


/if (${Spawn[gm].ID}) { 
     /echo GM has entered the zone!!
     /echo Damn GM's interrupting me...
     /keypress forward  
     /delay 5s
     /goto :check
 /doevents next

| New Task                                                       
 Sub NewTask
/echo Removing everyone from the task, and requesting a new one
/taskremove playernamea
/taskremove playernameb
/taskremove yourplayername
/mission 8134

| Zones into the task.                                         
 Sub ZoneIn
/echo Pressing your Number 2 hotbutton key to keep you safe while you're out here
/keypress 2
/delay 10s
/switch 3

| Checking for bad people                                    
 Sub GMcheck

/declare i int
 /for i 1 to ${InString.Length}
     /if (${InString.Mid[${i},1].Equal[A]}) /varset OutString ${OutString}N
     /if (${InString.Mid[${i},1].Equal}) /varset OutString ${OutString}O
     /if (${InString.Mid[${i},1].Equal[C]}) /varset OutString ${OutString}P
     /if (${InString.Mid[${i},1].Equal[D]}) /varset OutString ${OutString}Q
     /if (${InString.Mid[${i},1].Equal[E]}) /varset OutString ${OutString}R
     /if (${InString.Mid[${i},1].Equal[F]}) /varset OutString ${OutString}S
     /if (${InString.Mid[${i},1].Equal[G]}) /varset OutString ${OutString}T
     /if (${InString.Mid[${i},1].Equal[H]}) /varset OutString ${OutString}U
     /if (${InString.Mid[${i},1].Equal}) /varset OutString ${OutString}V
     /if (${InString.Mid[${i},1].Equal[J]}) /varset OutString ${OutString}W
     /if (${InString.Mid[${i},1].Equal[K]}) /varset OutString ${OutString}X
     /if (${InString.Mid[${i},1].Equal[L]}) /varset OutString ${OutString}Y
     /if (${InString.Mid[${i},1].Equal[M]}) /varset OutString ${OutString}Z
     /if (${InString.Mid[${i},1].Equal[N]}) /varset OutString ${OutString}A
     /if (${InString.Mid[${i},1].Equal[O]}) /varset OutString ${OutString}B
     /if (${InString.Mid[${i},1].Equal[P]}) /varset OutString ${OutString}C
     /if (${InString.Mid[${i},1].Equal[Q]}) /varset OutString ${OutString}D
     /if (${InString.Mid[${i},1].Equal[R]}) /varset OutString ${OutString}E
     /if (${InString.Mid[${i},1].Equal}) /varset OutString ${OutString}F
     /if (${InString.Mid[${i},1].Equal[T]}) /varset OutString ${OutString}G
     /if (${InString.Mid[${i},1].Equal}) /varset OutString ${OutString}H
     /if (${InString.Mid[${i},1].Equal[V]}) /varset OutString ${OutString}I
     /if (${InString.Mid[${i},1].Equal[W]}) /varset OutString ${OutString}J
     /if (${InString.Mid[${i},1].Equal[X]}) /varset OutString ${OutString}K
     /if (${InString.Mid[${i},1].Equal[Y]}) /varset OutString ${OutString}L
     /if (${InString.Mid[${i},1].Equal[Z]}) /varset OutString ${OutString}M
     /if (${InString.Mid[${i},1].Equal[" "]}) /varset OutString ${OutString}_ 
 /next i

| Opens the Cocoons based on Spawn ID                              
Sub Dotask
/declare i int local
/delay 2s
/for i 1 to 18
		/target npc webspun_cocoon next
		/if (${Target.ID}) {
				/delay 0.5s
				/delay 0.5s
				/echo Cocoon${i} finished.
/next i
/echo Done Enjoy your AA

| Zoning Out                                                      
 Sub Leave
/delay 1s
/echo Leaving mission.
/switch 1

| Reloops to quicken the process                            
Sub Event_TooSoon            
/delay 5s
/goto :Cocoon

| Camps after you've reached 30 banked AA's           
 Sub Event_Bank
/popup You now have 30 AA's bank and CANNOT gain anymore...
/echo Camping out to keep you safe..
/camp desktop

| Recasts Invis. to keep you safe                           
 Sub Event_Invis
/echo Invis is Faiding
/delay 1s
/echo Recasting to keep us safe
/keypress 3
/call ZoneIn

|GUVF ZNPEB JNF ZNQR OL QRIYVA                    
|QB ABG CYNTVNEVMR                               

PS: I Love Redcents <3
Last edited:
Alright, I'll go into detail at what it does then.....

The "Encoded input string" is simply Rot13, I put it in there to hid it from the newbies who will <possibly> try and steal it and say it's their own...

Rich (BB code):
/declare InString string outer 
/declare OutString string outer 

/call GMCheck
/popup ${OutString}

What that does is, it takes the Instring... Decrypts it from Rot13 and then uses /popup to show it...

So this is what happens after it decrypts it..

I have a few questions on 2 particular areas

Rich (BB code):
| Recasts Invis. to keep you safe                           |
 Sub Event_Invis
/echo Invis is Faiding
/delay 1s
/echo Recasting to keep us safe
/keypress 3
/call ZoneIn

I assume that you're using a character that casts invis. Can, say a rogue do this task without ever dropping invis? How would you suggest running this macro?

Rich (BB code):
| Zones into the task.                                          |
 Sub ZoneIn
/echo Pressing your Number 2 hotbutton key to keep you safe while you're out here
/keypress 2
/delay 10s
/switch 3

What's with pressing hotbutton 2 to keep me safe. Sorry if that's a n00b question but I'm unsure of the reasoning and if I should assing that hotbutton anything in particular.

Aside that, the macro looks nice (including the popup - nice idea). Red Cent.
Ahhhh not a problem.... Right there was where i was using PotionSlot #2 to cast Cloudy Potions since when you zone out ( and are in drachnidhive ) there is a roamer that with how many times i did it .. has about a 1/10th chance of being on top of you when you zone out... Pressing the Number 2 hotkey casts the PotionSlot #2 and invis's me...

for a rogue you would assign something like lets say Hotkey #2 would be sneak and #3 would be hide...

Rich (BB code):
| Zones into the task.                                          |
 Sub ZoneIn
/echo Going into Hide/Sneak mode to not gain any aggro
/keypress 2
/keypress 3
/delay 10s
/switch 3


Rich (BB code):
| Recasts Invis. to keep you safe                           |
 Sub Event_Invis
/echo Invis is Faiding
/delay 1s
/echo Recasting to keep us safe
/keypress 3
/call ZoneIn

has an event at the top of the macro where if it detects the event of

Rich (BB code):
#Event Invis "You feel yourself starting to"
itll recast the invis, if you were a rogue you wouldn't need this at all and can edit it out.
Wouldn't run this. I looked at it. There is at least One "a Webspun cocoon" that is outside the zone walls. I manually got 10 missions was there every time.
Yes, there is one " a_webspun_cocoon " outside of the wall, It's unopenable.. I don't know the intent of SoE putting it there but just ignore it.. the macro will try to open it but skip it ( aka, thats why I had to put each spawnID in because when i was trying to use target name and rotate outwards it would get stuck on that one and just keep trying to open it )
Devlin said:
Bellfast 3: The Hive

| Camps after you've reached 30 banked AA's |
Sub Event_Bank
/popup You now have 30 AA's bank and CANNOT gain anymore...
/echo Camping out to keep you safe..
/camp desktop

Needs to be
Rich (BB code):
Sub Event_Bank
/popup You now have 30 AA's bank and CANNOT gain anymore...
/echo Camping out to keep you safe..
/camp desktop

the other way it wouldn't run the /camp command cause the macro would be over.

When i start this in Hive i get "You cant reach that, get closer" just after the /switch 3 command. any ideas ?
I have something for your cocoon opening. Give me a minute, it ought to fix the problem you had with the unopenable too

Rich (BB code):
Sub Open
/declare i int local
/delay 2s
/for i 1 to 18
		/target npc webspun_cocoon next
		/if (${Target.ID}) {
				/delay 0.5s
				/delay 0.5s
				/echo Cocoon${i} finished.
/next i
/echo Done Enjoy your AA

Should do them all, and skip the unopenable. Also it opens them all within the same second, makes being in a zone that much shorter and safer. Literally ought to be one second, even if there were a thousand chests/cocoons etc.
This is going to sound stupid, however - I assume you need 3 65-70 characters, not just 1 lvl 70 and 2 bazaar mules to use /mission, right?

I want to try this out, but I don't have lvl 70's on my throwaway accounts.
When i run this mac, i get an error after it opens all the cacoons It says "Flow ran into another subroutine" then next line says cacoon.mac@145(ZoneIn): Sub ZoneIn, and then cacoon.mac@66 (main): /call NewTask. Any ideas?
Thank you Mochilla, I added that into the macro..

Darthnathan, Yes you need 2 level 65-70 players to request the mission.

Jstbilly, I'll look at that now
Sub Event_TooSoon            
/delay 5s
/goto :Cocoon
need to be

Sub Event_TooSoon            
/delay 5s
/goto :Cocoon
This mission now only earns you to 20-30% AAexp per 2 minutes

I only get 1 - 2 % per run, do i need to shroud down a few lvls or something to get more ?

here is the version im using, only need 3 in group and stand outside the zone to instance and start it.

| Name: 	cocoon.mac
| Author:       devlin
| Helper:       WickedMetalHead
| Helper2:      The Gnome
| For:          Redguides, and REDGUIDES ONLY.
| Automatically does the Bellfast 3 Hive Mission for Cocoon EXP.
| Note: You must have atleast 3 in your group to obtain mission.
| You need a current version of MQ2mission to use this.
| You MUST have a current version of MQ2copen	
| You MUST have a current version of MQ2switch
| You MUST have a current version of MQ2mission
| You do NOT need faction with bellfast to request a mission.
| To run this mission, you must start in Drachnidhive (The Hive).
| Change these lines to your own preferance
| ( Line 56 depending on your zoning time ) 
| ( Line 130 if you want to use Invis. or not )

#Chat Say
#Chat Group
#Chat Tell

#Event TooSoon "A mystical"
#Event Bank "You now have 30 ability points"
#Event Invis "You feel yourself starting to"

#turbo 10

Sub Main
/echo |--------------------------------------
/echo | Bellfast:3 The Hive                  
/echo | Macro created by Devlin.            
/echo | Must have the following plugins loaded              
/echo | MQ2switch    &&    MQ2copen       
/echo | This macro is NOT for an AFK usage.
/echo | If you are not in drachnidhive this will not work    
/echo |--------------------------------------

/declare InString string outer 
/declare OutString string outer 

/call GMCheck
/popup ${OutString}
/call Checks

/call ZoneIn
/delay 6s
/call DoTask
/delay 3s
/call NewTask
/delay 3s
/call Leave
/delay 4s
/goto :Cocoon

| Some Checks..                                                 |
 Sub Checks 


/if (${SpawnCount[pc radius 100]}>1) { 
     /echo Player is close...
     /echo Pausing the Macro until they leave... 
     /keypress forward 
     /delay 5s
     /goto :check
/if (${Spawn[gm].ID}) { 
     /echo GM has entered the zone!!
     /echo Damn GM's interrupting me...
     /keypress forward  
     /delay 5s
     /goto :check
 /doevents next

| Some more checks                                            |
 Sub checks2


/if (${Spawn[gm].ID}) { 
     /echo GM has entered the zone!!
     /echo Damn GM's interrupting me...
     /keypress forward  
     /delay 5s
     /goto :check
 /doevents next

| New Task                                                         |
 Sub NewTask
/if (${Zone.ID}==354) /return 
/delay 3s 
/declare x     int     local     0 
/for x 1 to 5 
/taskremove ${Group.Member[${x}].Name} 
/delay 3s 
/next x 
/delay 5s 
/taskremove ${Group.Member[0].Name} 
/delay 5s 

| Zones into the task.                                          |
 Sub ZoneIn
/mission 8134
/echo Pressing your Number 2 hotbutton key to keep you safe while you're out here
/keypress 2
/delay 20s
/switch 3

| Checking for bad people                                     |
 Sub GMcheck

/declare i int
 /for i 1 to ${InString.Length}
     /if (${InString.Mid[${i},1].Equal[A]}) /varset OutString ${OutString}N
     /if (${InString.Mid[${i},1].Equal[B]}) /varset OutString ${OutString}O
     /if (${InString.Mid[${i},1].Equal[C]}) /varset OutString ${OutString}P
     /if (${InString.Mid[${i},1].Equal[D]}) /varset OutString ${OutString}Q
     /if (${InString.Mid[${i},1].Equal[E]}) /varset OutString ${OutString}R
     /if (${InString.Mid[${i},1].Equal[F]}) /varset OutString ${OutString}S
     /if (${InString.Mid[${i},1].Equal[G]}) /varset OutString ${OutString}T
     /if (${InString.Mid[${i},1].Equal[H]}) /varset OutString ${OutString}U
     /if (${InString.Mid[${i},1].Equal[I]}) /varset OutString ${OutString}V
     /if (${InString.Mid[${i},1].Equal[J]}) /varset OutString ${OutString}W
     /if (${InString.Mid[${i},1].Equal[K]}) /varset OutString ${OutString}X
     /if (${InString.Mid[${i},1].Equal[L]}) /varset OutString ${OutString}Y
     /if (${InString.Mid[${i},1].Equal[M]}) /varset OutString ${OutString}Z
     /if (${InString.Mid[${i},1].Equal[N]}) /varset OutString ${OutString}A
     /if (${InString.Mid[${i},1].Equal[O]}) /varset OutString ${OutString}B
     /if (${InString.Mid[${i},1].Equal[P]}) /varset OutString ${OutString}C
     /if (${InString.Mid[${i},1].Equal[Q]}) /varset OutString ${OutString}D
     /if (${InString.Mid[${i},1].Equal[R]}) /varset OutString ${OutString}E
     /if (${InString.Mid[${i},1].Equal[S]}) /varset OutString ${OutString}F
     /if (${InString.Mid[${i},1].Equal[T]}) /varset OutString ${OutString}G
     /if (${InString.Mid[${i},1].Equal[U]}) /varset OutString ${OutString}H
     /if (${InString.Mid[${i},1].Equal[V]}) /varset OutString ${OutString}I
     /if (${InString.Mid[${i},1].Equal[W]}) /varset OutString ${OutString}J
     /if (${InString.Mid[${i},1].Equal[X]}) /varset OutString ${OutString}K
     /if (${InString.Mid[${i},1].Equal[Y]}) /varset OutString ${OutString}L
     /if (${InString.Mid[${i},1].Equal[Z]}) /varset OutString ${OutString}M
     /if (${InString.Mid[${i},1].Equal[" "]}) /varset OutString ${OutString}_ 
 /next i

| Opens the Cocoons based on Spawn ID                 |               
Sub Dotask
/declare i int local
/delay 2s
/for i 1 to 18
		/target npc webspun_cocoon next
		/if (${Target.ID}) {
				/delay 0.5s
				/delay 0.5s
				/echo Cocoon${i} finished.
/next i
/echo Done Enjoy your AA

| Zoning Out                                                      |
 Sub Leave
/delay 1s
/echo Leaving mission.
/switch 1

| Reloops to quicken the process                            |
 Sub Event_TooSoon            
/delay 5s
/goto :Cocoon

| Camps after you've reached 30 banked AA's           |
 Sub Event_Bank
/popup You now have 30 AA's bank and CANNOT gain anymore...
/echo Camping out to keep you safe..
/camp desktop

| Recasts Invis. to keep you safe                           |
 Sub Event_Invis
/echo Invis is Faiding
/delay 1s
/echo Recasting to keep us safe
/keypress 3
/call ZoneIn

|GUVF ZNPEB JNF ZNQR OL QRIYVA                    |
|QB ABG CYNTREVMR!!!!                                   |


Sub ZoneIn
/echo Pressing your Number 2 hotbutton key to keep you safe while you're out here
/keypress 2
/delay 10s
/switch 3


Sub ZoneIn
/mission 8134
/echo Pressing your Number 2 hotbutton key to keep you safe while you're out here
/keypress 2
/delay 20s
/switch 3
Mochila said:
You'd think that, but you'd be wrong.

If you don't know why it would work, then just say you don't know. If you know but don't want to share just say it, no need to be a jerk.
jstbilly said:
When i run this mac, i get an error after it opens all the cacoons It says "Flow ran into another subroutine" then next line says cacoon.mac@145(ZoneIn): Sub ZoneIn, and then cacoon.mac@66 (main): /call NewTask. Any ideas?

I just ran, getting this same problem. Also only getting 2% aaxp per run. Granted it's quick, but right now theres a see invis pathing across the entrance on my server so there are a few deaths involved.
Jinx, Upload the MQ2mission.dll i've got on the front page and type in /mission 8134, then go to drachnidhive and stand infont of the door ( that's also cooincidently The Lost Gnomes ) and run the macro...

Mrmath, Mochila wasn't being a jerk.. Let's not put this thread into Flameville..

Alright, changing that section where it gives an error back to it's old funky version....

I guess SoE really wanted this nerfed since they put a see-invis mob outside now =(
The SI mob is a lvl 70 Dracnhid Champion. A quick con of other drachnids in the room also gets kos /cons. I was shrouded to a lvl 70 rogue. This also means that traveling to this instance with a group is going to be a huge pain in the ass, as most people get killed on the way without SI mobs.

Good plugin Dev - assuming no SI mobs and the macro running smoothly you could easily run it for positive aaxp gain - especially since there is no lockout. Keep up the good work.
Dam I always find macros after they are nerfted hehe. O well will give it a try anyway. I get 1% per kill running my bard in circles... 4 min per kill.

20% would have been nice )

Great Job Dev.
Mochila said:
I was just saying it would look like that, but it isn't? I'm so sorry? Cry cry cry.

I just misunderstood you then! And since you know all sorts of packet stuff I just thought you had some insight into the coding that I was unaware of. No harm intended =)
LOL actually. I don't know a fuck about packets. Or coding really. Everything I do is trial and error the hard way and from just reading lots. Anyone could make a macro thats a thousand lines long and does all sorts of complicated shit. Its just the ease that they can do it with <shrug>

(The above statement assumes you're not actually retarded)
No offense to Devlin and thanks for sharing the macro for the time that we had it up and running, but I'd consider it a risk to your account to continue to use something that is nerfed...SoE is running around with a banstick right now and raising a red flag on something that would at one time given you a major amount of XP and its not now can really put your account in trouble. Sorry for the paranoia.

Bellfast 3: The Hive
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