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Question - Best plugin for 90+ cleric (1 Viewer)

Feb 9, 2015
Hey RG,

I've been leveling my young cleric and she's almost 90 now. I tried Noobhaxor's macro, it works fine out of the box apart from few needed tweaks here and there, but so far i love it. I also tried MQ2bot plugin, which is not bad too. My question is, if i'm leveling my cleric all the way to 105, which one should i keep and stick with? there are some situations when one of the two works better (Although i haven't tested them both thoroughly) but i can't seem to decide which one to use frequently, i'm sure you guys know better.
As you said yourself, they both work well.

Mq2bot has an INI that you can configure to change the way the bot works where as Noob is building his to be top of the mark right out of the box.

It comes down to personal preference.

Do you want to configure the plugin with an ini over time to meet your needs or do you want to just plug-n-play. I havent played a cleric past 95 so I cannot comment on what one is better beyond that.
There is Also http://www.redguides.com/community/showthread.php/35476-MQ2Heals
this will run the "healing" and let you use a diff mac (i.e Kissassist) to run the rest.
As for which should ou stick with?
I myself, use the MQ2Heals plugin, with the macs Kissassist, fastheal6, AutoCleric depending on the situation at that time..
Its not a matter of what you should "stick with" its a matter of what works best for YOU. Try many, and yous what you can work with.
As you said yourself, they both work well.

Mq2bot has an INI that you can configure to change the way the bot works where as Noob is building his to be top of the mark right out of the box.

It comes down to personal preference.

Do you want to configure the plugin with an ini over time to meet your needs or do you want to just plug-n-play. I havent played a cleric past 95 so I cannot comment on what one is better beyond that.
Actually mine does what is best out of the box based upon what you load. if you load all group heals then that's what you will get. so it does take some common sense, but otherwise you don't really need to tweak much. nearly all my testing was done with no customization to the ini.
Thank you all for your input. Let me share my roadmap with you all.........

My cleric is 91 now, aiming to hit 105 with decent TDS or maybe TBM (the new expansion) group armor. Later on i might try 6-boxing old content raids, maybe SoD and below not sure yet. Most of my play style will be grouping and named farming for high end game and latest expansions. Which macro/plugin according to my situation and your experience served you best? I'm still doing more test, trying to tweak INI and so on but an advise can save a lot of time for sure.
I use MQ2Heals for my cleric. Yes, I wrote it... Yes, it was because I wanted to. Yes, there are macros that do the same thing. It's actually designed a lot like FastHeal6, so Noobhaxor deserves a lot of credit for the healing logic. Pete also helped me with a couple issues, so thanks again! :)

Yes, it's a very new plugin under heavy development. Yes, the pure healing potential is excellent. It does support a couple other classes now (Druid, Shaman). I may eventually make it smarter! :) It will use a few cleric AAs as needed if you have them (QM/VP/Divine Arbitration/Burst of Life). I could really use more beta testers!

You can use MQ2Heals with AutoCleric, KissAssist, or no macro at all. It might even run with MQ2Bot (although they'd likely conflict at some point)! It works a lot like MQ2Bot, and uses the best spells for the scenario based on what you have memorized. If you change your spell set any time, it will adjust. If you change your main tank, it will adjust. If you add XTargets, it will adjust, and heal those on the fly. It assumes that the first custom XTarget is the main tank (it can be any XTarget slot). If there are no custom set XTargets, it will assume the group member with the Main Tank role set is the main tank. It will currently cast promised/delayed heals on the MT only (it's a 21 second buff with 15 second cooldown, so it's kinda designed like that). If you buy a new heal spell, and memorize it, it will use it.

MQ2Bot has been around a lot longer, and may be a little more stable. Pete also provides excellent support for his plugin!

Things it currently doesn't do: DPS (unless you use heal-nukes - Intervention line), Buff (in progress), make sandwiches, do dishes, take out trash, other chores, etc...
Things it does very well: HEALS!!!
Things it sorta does: rez (buggy - I intend to scrap and rewrite the rez functions), med - It seems to work fine for me with/without a mount. Just make sure your mountitem is set... There's a thread with more details... :p

Out of the box, if you have a spell set already configured (maybe for when you play your cleric), it will use those spells if enabled (most are by default). You'll have to enable the "Intervention" line (/heals nukeheal on) if you use them.
I just recently started using my 100 cleric that I hadn't played at all after PL'ing him months previously. I hadn't played a cleric since I main-switched 8 years ago or so, so I wasn't really too excited about relearning the class at all. Noob's autocleric was a blessing in that it gives you a solid spell lineup and works quite well right out of the box right now. He's cleaned up a lot of bugs in his mac, and is a solid place to start if you're 60+.

MQ2Heals is even faster at healing. Once Jimbob adjust the logic a bit on puller healing, ranges, valid targets, et cetera, I will likely be using this plugin by itself and just using a /stick when needed to move the cleric. This plugin is going to be extremely powerful for healers in the near future.

I haven't used MQ2Bot at all really due to crashes in the past, so I can't speak on it much. If it runs for you without errors, it's supposed to be a very intelligent bot for any class with little tweaking needed. Not sure how it compares speed-wise to MQ2Heals.

If you have a cleric ini for KissAssist, you can try running that as well. (Don't feel bad, Mask) It's likely to be more versatile than AutoCleric right now, as you can load your own spellset, set your own healpoints, control which buffs you use more precisely, and tell your cleric to melee, nuke, etc. I haven't used KA for my cleric, so I can't speak to it's speed compared to Heals or AC. If you're going to be hands on with your ini and cleric settings, and have a good understanding of the current state of the class, KA may be a good place to start.

To summarize:
If you don't know what you're doing, try AutoCleric as it loads a solid spell set and heals well. Even if you don't stick with it, it'll point you in a decent direction as to how modern clerics can/should be healing.
If you have a solid idea of what spell line-up you want to use and/or want to use another macro instead of one focused on healing, try MQ2Bot or MQ2Heals.
If you are familiar with KA's settings/ini's and the cleric class, and need/want your cleric to do more than heal, see how KA works for you.
Question - Best plugin for 90+ cleric

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