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Question - Best way to Have all my box's invis with 1 press from my main? (1 Viewer)


New member
Jul 2, 2011
I don't have any group invis or self only invis spells atm, just looking for a way to have all my alts target themselves and cast their invis spell, without filling socials with /bct commands.
Whatever method someone comes up with, take into account a fizzle of the invis spell; otherwise 4 of your bots will invis, 1 will be uninvis, and you may not notice when you cross dangerous territory (such as imps!)
Actually this is a good idea. I am going to add an |Invis tag to Kiss buffs and a command /invisme so if the Kiss see the command it will invis the toon.
Question - Best way to Have all my box's invis with 1 press from my main?

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