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Box Class suggestion (1 Viewer)


New member
Mar 20, 2008
I currently box a warrior, cleric, shaman, and mage. With the advent of mercs, i am thinking of dropping the cleric and picking up another class. What would be a dps class to add to this group. All are lvl 80 or higher. Thanks.
I use a zerk as both my tank and it's my highest DPS, at over 21k unbuffed, he is capable of tanking even in Toskirakk/Crystallos. Even with a gimp weapon like his 2.0 he is a steady 1700DPS, more with his better weapons in, and this is without discing, so sustainable indefinately. I have a monk as well, parse is around 1000 or so steady DPS, and my wiz while capable of 2-3kDPS, it is nowhere near sustainable for a long grind, 2-3 mobs at best . Rogues i know never even come close to my zerker for DPS, there are a handful of monks who come close, but imo if your looking for straight sustainable DPS and some flexibility, I would go with a zerk. If you want ports and evacs as an option, the wizard is nice. The rogue also has it's uses as a potential scout/lockpicker etc.

A monk might also be a good option due to the pulling ability, and the aura.
personally you dont want to drop your cleric often times its nice to have a player one that you can do battle rezzing with... my box crew is this... pally, bard, mage, wizard, cleric, and a babybeasty... its really nice that with the mercs is if you run into hard targets you can split them into 2 groups and then bring out 6 mercs total and really pour on the dps and healers... mage by far is the easiest to box for dps after that is wizard and the ports are a god send... mage pet offtanks or is backuptank while the pally is getting a battle rez.. bard i can pull with and do crowdcontrol as needed...
Box Class suggestion

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