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Question - Buffs (1 Viewer)


New member
Jun 2, 2014
Not sure if I am doing this correctly. Chanter seems to buffing everyone with everything cept clarity. only casts it on himself.

Buffs1=Arch Shielding
Buffs2=Intellectual Superiority|!MA
Buffs5=Gift of Magic|!MA

eqgeek you missed he got !MA there which should buff everyone except MA, I dont see a misstake tho which prevents the casting on others. I dont have a chanter so I cant test what propperties the spell Clarity got and how its different then the others.
Maybe do you have gotten a Rk. II version of it, dunno if there is such?
insetead of doing the |!MA just remove it and make it
Buffs1=Arch Shielding
Buffs2=Intellectual Superiority
Buffs5=Gift of Magic

that will cast it on everyone you at |MA for main assist like eqgeek said |ME for self only
I was having this same problem with Levitation and a few other Single type buffs that I wanted to cast on group members. In most of the cases the Buffs routine will skip casting Single target spells because ${Spell[${Buffs[${i}]}].TargetType} returns Self not Single, so no matter what you change it will not cast that spell on anyone other than yourself. I did find that the logic allowed for casting on the MA only. Maskoi is aware of the issue and I believe he is working on a solution.

Just try this and see what is returned. Use this command to test it:

/echo ${Spell[Clarity].TargetType}

See if it returns Single or Self. If it returns Self then that is the problem. Post back what you find out.

Returned Single. Thanks for all the suggestion, removed !MA didn't know that did all except MA. Seems to be working now either I was not patient enough to let Chanter finish buffing or (I'm a clutz)I may have forgotten to reset Chanter after making the changes.

Thanks again.
Question - Buffs

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