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Bypassing a Web blocker (1 Viewer)


New member
Dec 18, 2004
I want to be able to look up redguides and other gaming sites at school, but they are using a new web blocker called StBernard software. Everytime I try to go to anything related to games (redguides.com, yahoo pool, etc.) it blocks me. Hell I even tried to go to Gu comics and it blocked me because it containd humor lmao. So I was wondering if there was any program any of you guys know of that I could use to disable it or just bypass it for awhile. I'm searching for it right now, but would help me a lot if any of you knows how to help me.
I know when i was in school when i used a cpu normally everything was locked like the hard drive and what not so u couldnt change anything..but i know that if u restart it in safe mode i was able to change things and what not maybe using safe mode u coulde disable it some how...other than that i am not sure lol GL
good idea red... unless they have thaat port blocked.. but u could change the pors..

Google works pretty good.. to get around stuff like this too .. or other search engines

another way is this...

have the link sent to you Via emaill.... usually .. or atleast with my usa.net.. it opens the site.. under the guise of the usa.net

jsut a thought

Thx guys I will try those and see if it works. Gonna be doing this in my computer class so if teacher asks what Im doing Ill just tell him Im trying to teach myself about computers lol
Bypassing a Web blocker

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