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camp on death (1 Viewer)

Apr 7, 2005
Anyone have an idea why this might not be working? I have not had a toon actually /camp like it was supposed to when it dies. Would hate to be running circles in PoK / Guild Lobby...

Rich (BB code):
#Event Slain "You have been slain by#*#"

Rich (BB code):
sub Event_Slain
	/echo Something went wrong and I died! Ending macro!
	/i say I died, so I'm camping out so I can get a rez later...
	/delay 200
	/camp desktop
	/delay 40

I thought maybe the delays were messing it up, but it didn't work even after changing it to this...

Rich (BB code):
sub Event_Slain
	/echo Something went wrong and I died! Ending macro!
	/i say I died, so I'm camping out so I can get a rez later...
	/camp desktop

Any help would be great :)
The macro continued on as if nothing unusual had happened. Woke up the next morning with toons dead and attempting to target mobs that were not there and warping over and over to the same loc.
I use
Rich (BB code):
#event PoK "You have entered The Plane of Knowledge."
|Change this to the                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
|zone you are bound in

Rich (BB code):
Sub Event_PoK 
	/echo sorry i don't know how or why but you died.
        /circle off
        /twist off
        /delay 45s
	/sit on
	/camp desktop 

always works :)
camp on death

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