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Question - Can you add a level 100 to level 85 Heroic Adventure? (1 Viewer)

Nov 7, 2005
Is it possible to have 3 85s get HA then add a lev 100(or 3 lev 100s) afterwards before lockout?

The words auto-scales worry me a bit, but the instance will not respawn as higher level if you add higher levels to it or will it?

I've never done any HAs thus my ignorance. For usual instances this usually works.

Have some gimped 85s that I would like to PL a bit as well as grab some Marks of Valor for them :P.

Reading Fanra's Wiki: http://everquest.fanra.info/wiki/Heroic_Adventures

"The level of the requesting player only sets the initial level of the NPCs. Once players enter the heroic adventure, the NPC levels adjust dynamically in real-time." - some EQ developer.

It says that the mobs actually will adjust in real time, so no way(besides buffing outside that is) for level 100s to get inside lev 85 HA instances?
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you can add them yes, however if you add them before instance has been populated then mobs will scale to the highest level, although if you add them after instance has been populated then id imagine mobs would stay at lvl 85.

best way to find out is try it and see, then report back here lol.
Actually I tried this in an ETWK instance. I zoned in with two 85ish toons. Checked the mobs which were white and DB, then added my level 100. When I started to pull, the mobs had changed and were red to the 85s and white/db to the 100. I tried it again where I killed a few mobs, then added the 100 and same deal.
Actually I tried this in an ETWK instance. I zoned in with two 85ish toons. Checked the mobs which were white and DB, then added my level 100. When I started to pull, the mobs had changed and were red to the 85s and white/db to the 100. I tried it again where I killed a few mobs, then added the 100 and same deal.

good to know thanks Eqgeek
Question - Can you add a level 100 to level 85 Heroic Adventure?

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