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Question - Can you set /camphere to an exactly spot? (1 Viewer)


New member
Jul 2, 2011
Currently have my group in a camp where there are some objects that obstruct line of sight in certain spots. There is a point where my puller can grab everything in the area, but often time after fights he doesn't return to that point, just very near it where several npc's are out of LoS.

Am I able to set an exact spot for my pullertank to return to after each battle?
You can try this. Find sub CheckForCombat.

Replace this code:

Rich (BB code):
        /if (${ReturnToCamp} && ${Math.Distance[${CampYLoc},${CampXLoc}]}>10) {
            /if (${MainAssist.NotEqual[${Me}]}) /delay ${Math.Calc[${Math.Rand[1]}+1]}s
            /if (${MobCount}<=0) /call DoWeMove

With this code:

Rich (BB code):
        /if (${ReturnToCamp}) {
           /if (${Math.Distance[${CampYLoc},${CampXLoc}]}>10) {
              /if (${MainAssist.NotEqual[${Me}]}) /delay ${Math.Calc[${Math.Rand[1]}+1]}s
              /if (${MobCount}<=0) /call DoWeMove
           } else {
              /if (${Role.Find[puller]} && ${Math.Distance[${CampYLoc},${CampXLoc}]}>5) {
                 /moveto loc ${CampYLoc} ${CampXLoc} mdist 5
Seems to help a little bit, then other times it seems like my tank barely moves. the other melee's I use though always seem to go back to nearly the exact same spot, and even face a certain direction, my tank/puller doesn't do that at all. He generally just stands there after a fight if he's still within camp. I'm assuming it's because PullerTank just behaves differently than assist etc.
Question - Can you set /camphere to an exactly spot?

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