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casino (1 Viewer)


New member
Jun 15, 2006
anyone got a plugin so can afk while i feed the guy tokens till i get a golden ticket? im new to mq been using it about 6months but really dont know much but how to load plugins and such
Wrong Forum

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Rich (BB code):
|Casino Plat-waster by Groo Apr 29, 2004

Sub Main
   /declare i int
      /for i 0 to 3
         /call PickupToken
         /call GiveToken ${i}
      /next i
      /call ClickTrade
      /call ClearCursor
      /if (${FindItem[Gold Ticket].ID}) {
      /delay 1s
      /goto :Loop

Sub GiveToken(i)
  /if (${i}>0) {
      /notify GiveWnd GVW_MyItemSlot${i} leftmouseup
   } else {
      /click left target
         /delay 1
         /if (!${Window[GiveWnd].Open}) /goto :Loop
   /delay 3

Sub PickupToken
   /if (!${FindItem[King's Court Token].ID}) {
        /echo Could not find King's Court Token in inventory

      /ctrl /itemnotify ${FindItem[=King's Court Token].InvSlot} leftmouseup

      /if (!${Cursor.ID}) {
         /delay 1
         /goto :Loop

Sub ClickTrade
   /notify GiveWnd GVW_Give_Button leftmouseup   
   /delay 1s

sub ClearCursor
      /if (!${Cursor.ID}) /return
      /delay 1s
      /goto :Loop
It's not a plugin, It's a macro...

Copy/Paste this in your "Macro" folder and save it as " Casino.mac " then once in game type /mac Casino and it will start it.. for this macro you need to have tokens on you and be next to and TARGETTING the guy you want them to hand in to.
ok got it to work but how i get it so destroys everything but golden ticket? so it will keep chain giving coins
It will already end if it finds a gold ticket...

Rich (BB code):
      /if (${FindItem[Gold Ticket].ID}) {

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