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Discussion - Chanter Or Bard for All Knight Group (1 Viewer)

Dec 31, 2014
Hey guys. I am going to create a new experimental group using 1x Paladin, 3x Shadowknights, Shaman, and either Bard or Chanter. This will be on a live server, and will be a 100% FTP group after I max level and AAs. Which do you think would be better for this group out of the Bard and Chanter?
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This made me think of a different all-knight group that might work, PAL PAL PAL PAL NEC ENC. Necro makes things undead, paladins slaughter them, enchanter does haste/slow/clarity/crowd control, and the paladins all do stuns and heals and combat rezzes. Would it work any better or worse than using SKs?
Bard is an insane DPS once you get to the point in progression with knight specific 2hrs. SK are often top DPS in the game atm, but a huge chunk of that is due to bard.

That's the big trade off, DPS(bard) vs group survivability (enc)
Discussion - Chanter Or Bard for All Knight Group

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