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Question - Circle of Power Clicky (1 Viewer)


New member
Nov 16, 2005
Hey Guys,

Was hoping you can help me out on some holyshit I have been trying to think about how to do for 2 weeks.

I have 10 toons which have the task for Hunter Plane of War and I have not claimed it yet on which item. Want to try and plan it out before I select the item and separate it out for the toons.

I want to try and have like Circle of Power IV click on at all times or majority of the time. 1 toon clicks it, it goes through the timer on it, and then another toon clicks it in like a roundrobin kind of deal.

If I setup the holyshit to check if I have the buff and click it, then they will all click it at the same time and waste all of them.

Any other way to do this?
I have a kluge way of doing it maybe.

Say the first guy has the holy to click and you have a holy on him that says if Circle of Power is Not Ready and we don't have buff, you send a bct to next guy to click it.....etc etc. Not the best method as it requires all your toons to be there to keep the chain going but just an idea to throw out there until someone comes up with something better.
I was thinking the same thing which i'm thinking the first time it fires aka the first mob, all the toons will fire it at once and they will all be on the same timer
Only one toon has the check.....his second holy says if my CoP4 is not ready, send bct to next toon to click

Your other toons only have a holy for a condition where it says if I don't have the buff and CoP4 is not ready (meaning he was told to click it already), then tell the next person in the chain.
are you sending only to 1 toon?

This would be the chain:
Toon 1 has 2 holies......if I don't have CoP4 and it's ready, click
Second holy, if CoP4 is not up and it's not ready, send tell to Toon2 to click
Toon2 says if I don't have CoP4 and it's not ready send to Toon3
Toon3 says if I don't have CoP4 and it's not ready send to to Toon4 etc.
This will break if you cannot keep the chain going.
Question - Circle of Power Clicky

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