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code compile ?'s (1 Viewer)

Sep 26, 2005
I cant get mq2levitate to work i /plugin mq2levitate then i /levitate on and it says levitate = 0 then i dont float?? also on mq2track i /track and the track window comes up just nothing is on track? i hit the track button and mess with the drop down windows but still nothing. I am not a tracking class. Are these gone or am i useing them wrong? Thanks for your time and i will give red cents to all who help :)

Oh and just to help the newbs out. here is a couple helpful hints if you are in a group with no bard turn off /speed 5 to /speed 3. and if your in fairy mm turn off your speed b4 you go in /speed off. It is real easy to tell you have hacks on. But boy does that fairy fly lol. hope this helps
Levitate has been broken for a while now... I'm not even sure I'll have time to fix it, so I'm probably just going to take it out of the compile. /track should be working fine tho... I'll check it out when I get home on the 29th.

im a total dork did not push in the buttons on the top for red blue ect...

Hey, I resemble that remark. :eek: I've never played a character with track before, so when i saw the window I tried the options at bottom--nothing.

So it's the buttons on the top, eh....

9 months in Norrath and still a newb. ~sigh~ That's OK, when I'll REALLY start to worry is when I stop learning new things. It'll be time to bail, but does anyone know it all? Sorry, whe-torical question.
code compile ?'s

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