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Question - code forking (1 Viewer)

Feb 6, 2007
Quoting Redbot in his creator rank announcement:

At this time, the Creator rank is for those who have written, forked, or maintained code in the last year, and their work has been enjoyed by the RedGuides community. (We may consider guide writers in the future)

" ...written, forked, or maintained code... " What is forked? Sounds inappropriate to me. I really "forked" that code...
In software engineering, a project fork happens when developers take a copy of source code from one software package and start independent development on it, creating a distinct and separate piece of software.

In other words, pretty much what you did with Ninjadvloot. Congrats on the rank!
My thinking / mind has been ruined by the internet... I doubt I would ever have come up with that.

Great, I learned something today. No day is wasted when you learn something. I was really trying to complete waste this day, guess I'll try again tomorrow.
My thinking / mind has been ruined by the internet... I doubt I would ever have come up with that.

Great, I learned something today. No day is wasted when you learn something. I was really trying to complete waste this day, guess I'll try again tomorrow.

Most open source software is forked off of another project somewhere. Who wants to write crap from scratch except Maskoi, and hes a little crazy!
Question - code forking

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