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Question - continue fighting throughout extended target tab without breaking to go back to camp? (1 Viewer)

Dec 2, 2015
is there a way i can set it so that my melee don't run back to camp after every kill if there are still targets on the extended target tab? because at the moment after i kill the first target i stop, look around, run back to camp, face the correct way, then look at the mob, and run out to a mob with 20% health left from all the time i wasted looking around and running back and forth
Is your Tank also your Puller?
Does the Tank target himself as MA when starting KA?
Why arn't the mobs already IN camp rad? Why does he have to run OUT to get them?
If seperate puller does HE target Tank as MA?
Does rest of group target Tank as MA?
How are the adds being managed (Mez, OffTanked, PetTanked, uncontrolled, boot-n-root, etc)?
What caused mobs to be beat down to 20% before Tank gets to them?

Answers to these might help tell us how the group is reacting/targeting/choosing targets to get us a better idea as to why you tank is doing this?

To me it sounds like the ADDs are OUTSIDE the Tank CAMP Radius, but within his MELEE Radius, when it dies, therfore causing the Tank to reset before selecting the next target.
So you might need to increase Tank camp Rad, find a way to keep mobs within Tank camp rad (root, snare), get mobs pulled in closer before initial combat starts (start puller farther behind group, set assists to lower settings to make sure mobs get INTO camp before they assist, Set healing slightly lower if Cleric drawing agro before combat starts, etc).

Also remember you are running a macro (binary logic), it has certain processes it has to do before it can do the next thing.. its kindof how they are.
the problem with returntocamp=0 is that you end up wandering away from camp and then you get picked off by a wanderer as you are out of the tanks range to intercede
Best fix I can think of is the tank needs to be closer to the group (as he is the puller too) and his camp set smaller so he fights closer so your zigzag is not as apparent, it is still happening you just don't see it as much

- - - Updated - - -

BUT if you ARE a Melee class and you have kiss set to run around behind the mob and stab stab stab then you are moving all over the place and when combat ends, you go back to home...
I have been playing around with a couple of theories / ideas dealing with this melee class assist issue using KA.
What I have come up with is this:

If you have them set to return to camp
Rich (BB code):
they will return to camp after each kill. I figure this is how the rotine is written and must process in order to complete and reprocess.
Even The MA / Tank would return and reset at camp if all the mobs on Xtarget were mezzed / not fighting.

If you have them set to follow your MA,
Rich (BB code):
They don't reset to camp BUT
If your Tank is also your Puller (pullertank), then they are chasing him around wherever he goes (getting stuck, drawing agro, and looking like a total bot.
If their MA stays in camp (non-melee type) they WILL return to following their MA before engaging the next mob.

Best result for speed on engaging the next mob came from them not being set to do either.
Rich (BB code):
They go from one combat to the next without an extra move inbetween.
However, if for some reason (summoned, chasing battle, push, knockback) they get to far away, they have no script on how to get back to the group.
I am currently trying to write a downshit for my Mage that will check a group members distance and if to far away to CoH them.
Just make your campradius bigger...

Your group should be stacked when starting KA anyways. That way mobs will always be within your campradius and the puller will drop mobs on top of the tank.
Just make your campradius bigger...

Your group should be stacked when starting KA anyways. That way mobs will always be within your campradius and the puller will drop mobs on top of the tank.

They still stop, turn, move to start point, then assist if sey to return to camp.
If neither set to on , a larger radius does help but it's not a foolproof solution.uuu
Stacking his group will solve this issue 100%.

But whatever.


I'll also add this, straight from the KISS Manual

ReturnToCamp=0/1 Off/On - If ReturnToCamp=1 and you move out of the CampRadius it will move you back to that spot after fight. (Note: Set ChaseAssist to 0 if using).

If your campradius is set to 100, you won't returntocamp until you move 100 units away from your campspot. So even if the puller isn't bringing it all the way back to camp, you still have a decent amount of distance before returntocamp is triggered. campradius can also be changed in game via the /campradius command so if you find yourself constantly running back to camp, just increase your campradius until you stop.

Folks need to start reading the manual.
Question - continue fighting throughout extended target tab without breaking to go back to camp?

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