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Request - Corpse Drag 3+ Macro (1 Viewer)

Feb 8, 2005
I remember back in the day 2007ish there was a corpse drag macro for 3+ corpses. Anyone still have this floating around? I remember using it for summing tons of corpses and dragging them. If not I can re-write the macro.

I just hate the /corpsedrag /corpsedrop feature and its 2 corpse limit. This macro would just target the corpse and type /corpse to summon it then rotate targets.
Well I don't know about a Mac that would cycle, but I suppose if you designate a key to cycle through PC corpses (using key press or the like), and then /corpse it would work in theory. You personal movement speed might affect the # of corpses you would move before you moved out of range.

I do know (even tho you dislike it) you can /corpsedrag on 2 corpses and then spam /corpse on a 3rd toon very easily.
Here is the macro by Diggler not sure if it still works or not. it is OLD 2004 ish

Rich (BB code):
|By Diggler
|Very short, very simple, very efficient macro to drag unlimited corpses.
|Usage: /macro drag *person* *person* *person* ..... etc

Sub Main
/declare ParamCount int
/declare ParamString
/declare MaxParam int -1

/if (!${Defined[Param0]}) {
   /echo Usage: /macro drag *person* *person* *person* .... etc

/if (${Defined[Param${ParamCount}]}) {
   /varcalc MaxParam ${MaxParam}+1
   /varcalc ParamCount ${ParamCount}+1
   /goto :loop

/for ParamCount 0 to ${MaxParam}
   /tar ${Param${ParamCount}}'s
   /delay 1
/next ParamCount
/goto :loop2
Thanks guys, this gives me a few ideas. I think I'm going to add Event Chat and just have it summon every corpse is runs across unless it says cannot due to permission. Then just cycle through all the corpses in the array. So you could just run with 10-20 corpses and not even miss a beat.
Request - Corpse Drag 3+ Macro

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