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Question - Corpseflower's Assonant Binding. (1 Viewer)

Sep 9, 2014
So I had this drop last night, I didn't even realize it was a thing until then. Does anyone use this?

Rich (BB code):
Duration: 12s (2 ticks) Song, Dispelable: Yes
Max Hits: 24 Matching Spells
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 134
2: Cast: Largo's Assonant Binding
5: Limit Effect: Current HP
6: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills
7: Limit Type: Detrimental
8: Limit Max Duration: 0s
9: Limit Min Mana Cost: 100
10: Limit Min Casting Time: 1s
11: Limit Min Level: 60
12: Limit Max Level: 120 (lose 10% per level)

Is the 134 damage modded at all, or is it just a flat 134 +DMG per cast? Seems kind of weak-ish, but it might be useful on named with Tune Stuck in your Head running and multiple casters going to town?

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