- Single target rampage (I think)
- Adds at 20% intervals
· Most mezzable
· Kill the DT ones first (shouldn't be hard to figure out which type)
- RGC cureable AE spell slow about every 2 mins maybe? Hard to resist even with 600 to all and infusion on. Can cure with RC6, and sometimes with cleric epic shield.
· Cure rotation first, other healers/encs next if adds are up
- Keep DPS on Guardian ...if he regens above the point where he spawns adds, random DTs start
- Raid seems to lock as soon as you zone in now (aka can't
/taskadd). Get the 42 you want in raid before getting mission and entering the instance. Loot table is set once you trigger the Guardian pop. (You can see him equip tonfa if he has one. I've even seen him with two and he dropped two!) Drops two loots and one Chalice of Life.
· To get the actual aug you need to do the single group missions in order! (1, 2, 3)
· Can rez up inside if you wipe...just stay against the wall and out of aggro range of the Guardian.