I've recently begun playing Everquest after a ~15 year break.. I found RedGuides and Very Vanilla and the experience running a 5-box group has been amazing, thank you for creating such a robust tool and welcoming community behind it. It has me incredibly excited to go back and do all the dumb things I dreamed of doing during my first EQ career (I was never able to tank the full AoW on my PoTime geared bard before, but it will happen this time...)
I had a couple of questions I was hoping to get people's input on, one very niche and technical and one boring
The boring: My current team is level 65 and consists of SK/Shm/Brd/BST/Druid, I'm thinking about getting a level 85 heroic character and was debating between Enc and Monk. Is either better when using the 85 heroic character boost gear wise? I'm wanting to do things like 6-box PoTime, Vex Thal, and all my old haunts so I'm more thinking that extra CC + buffs would be more beneficial than the extra DPS, but can be convinced either way or if another class would be better.
The niche: I was able to scavenge a computer from work. It has a pair of Xeon E5-2699 v4 CPUs, 768gb of ram, a Quadro NV 510 + Tesla K40c, and a dozen random SSDs in RAID something or other I was able to pull out of other machines. I realize that this machine is totally overkill for playing EQ, but is there anything I should worry about regarding the dual CPU setup, stupid amount of ram, or issues with passing the Tesla's output through the Quadro?
Again, thank you for creating such a great tool and good adventures to everyone.
I had a couple of questions I was hoping to get people's input on, one very niche and technical and one boring
The boring: My current team is level 65 and consists of SK/Shm/Brd/BST/Druid, I'm thinking about getting a level 85 heroic character and was debating between Enc and Monk. Is either better when using the 85 heroic character boost gear wise? I'm wanting to do things like 6-box PoTime, Vex Thal, and all my old haunts so I'm more thinking that extra CC + buffs would be more beneficial than the extra DPS, but can be convinced either way or if another class would be better.
The niche: I was able to scavenge a computer from work. It has a pair of Xeon E5-2699 v4 CPUs, 768gb of ram, a Quadro NV 510 + Tesla K40c, and a dozen random SSDs in RAID something or other I was able to pull out of other machines. I realize that this machine is totally overkill for playing EQ, but is there anything I should worry about regarding the dual CPU setup, stupid amount of ram, or issues with passing the Tesla's output through the Quadro?
Again, thank you for creating such a great tool and good adventures to everyone.