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Problem - Crash when hailing quest npc (1 Viewer)


Dec 17, 2014
This has happened since I started using Mq2 and I'm starting to get frustrated with it finally because I want to afk HAs. I am using isboxer to 5 box a team.

When I hail a quest npc, 80% of the time one or two of my clients will crash and I have to load them back up. This isn't so bad when I am at the keyboard, but if I'm not around it sucks. It does not do it if Mq2 is not loaded. I tested it out with just my team loaded and no Mq2 and it doesn't crash. I load up Mq2 and hail and boom one or two of my clients crash with a 1-2 gig crash file, which I cannot open in anything because it's to huge.

Any ideas what's causing this or how to fix it?
Aside from the 1gig crash file which I assume ends up in c:\crash there will be a minidump created in c:\Users\<your username>\Appdata\Local\Temp\SCE

The crash message will display an exact path.

The file in that folder won't be 1 gig, it will be much smaller and zipping it and mailing it to me for example will let me tell you and possibly fix the reason for the crash.
Problem - Crash when hailing quest npc

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