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Crashing when unloading Macroquest? (1 Viewer)


New member
Feb 3, 2008
I keep crashing when I unload Macroquest in order to go to the PoK safely (remembered reading somewhere that it's a bad idea to have it running there).

I /unload the window, then tab out to close the program in the desk tray

It happens either immediately upon the next zoning, or the next zoning again.

Error is abnormal program termination. Am I doing something wrong, and if I'm not, any idea what can be done to fix it?
This is a good one.

BTW, I have never dropped MQ2 pok. The only thing that I can think of is that your might take a performance hit if you have the map up and running with a large number of people in the zone, other than that I have never heard about having to unload it just for PoK.

I keep crashing when I unload Macroquest in order to go to the PoK safely (remembered reading somewhere that it's a bad idea to have it running there).

I /unload the window, then tab out to close the program in the desk tray

It happens either immediately upon the next zoning, or the next zoning again.

Error is abnormal program termination. Am I doing something wrong, and if I'm not, any idea what can be done to fix it?

It's been a while since I have really played with MQ2. I recall an error from way back when that if you started MQ2 and then EQ, it would sometimes crash if you unloaded MQ2. Try a little experiment, load up EQ to the char screen, then load MQ2 and see if it still crashes when you close out, then let us know.

Also, have to agree with Alatyami, really no reason to unload MQ2 just for PoK except you may lag for an initial sec if you have a full MQ2Map going and pop it open while in the zone.
There is really no reason to /unload.

If a GM starts talking to you even if they do have some detection mechanism to see if you are have MQ2 hooked in it's to late.

The whole idea with PoK is Don't warp / zone through there. Though now I'd say Guild lobby is more of the nexus to not do so through.

I've had the problem where WinEQ2 would crash if I unloaded MQ2, are you using WinEQ2?
No, I'm not using WinEQ2, and I actually tend to open EQ first and load a character in, and -then- start MQ2, so it's neither of those.

But if you say it's safe enough, then I'll just not unload it =) I pretty much only use it for foraging purposes, so I find it unlikely that I'd get caught.

Thank you
Yeah, you should have to really /unload for anything. The only warning about PoK was that you should never /zone through it, as it puts you in an obvious spot that GMs sit and watch some times.
Crashing when unloading Macroquest?

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