How did everyone answer?
As a valued EverQuest player, we strongly value your opinion!
Please take a few minutes to provide your feedback that will help our development team as we plan for future updates.
Thank You!
Tony Jones
EverQuest Community Manager
1. Do you approve or disapprove of the way the EverQuest development team is developing the game?
2. How would you rate your enjoyment playing the latest expansion, Empires of Kunark?
3. How would you rate your enjoyment playing on progression servers?
4. How likely are you to begin or continue a Membership (subscription) next month?
5. Have you experienced a crash or disconnect in the last 30 days?
6. What is your current Membership (subscription) status?
7. How likely is it that you would recommend EverQuest to a friend?
8. Is there any other feedback you would like to include for the team?