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Request - DB Points any suggestion to where invest that points? (1 Viewer)


Active member
Dec 10, 2021
Have a little question, can buy anything with DB points and later sell for PP? need know if can do an extra PP with that points.TY all
Have a little question, can buy anything with DB points and later sell for PP? need know if can do an extra PP with that points.TY all
do you mean loyalty points or DB cash?

I recommend getting rank 2 unlockers for any F2P toons
I grab one of the anchors with db cash
if i have a pet, i grab a brownie or Vitrik or nihil or something else with "hands"
I also unlock keyrings so i can save some bag space

I don't know of anything in the DB shop that you can get plat with.

loyalty i check for other anchor
i load up on rez stones
can buy bags of plat

some folks do the golden tickets until they get 1 of everything and then can "guarantee" a drop
Have a little question, can buy anything with DB points and later sell for PP? need know if can do an extra PP with that points.TY all
Well, not everything is for resell in the marketplace- in fact the Heritage crates and LON decks are about the only thing you can buy from the marketplace and resell if you have not opened it. Before you buy the item click on general on the picture and then click inspect and see if it says "no trade'

Same for Loyalty Merchants - very little can be resold. You are limited by your account type also. Free cannot buy bags of plat. Those will grant you about 15k plat if you are a paid account.

I always get the rez tokens.

Sometimes when I am teaching other players about housing I will buy a house for them. Even though it won't be theirs - I can put it on their plot. The Loyalty house do not charge rent.

Of course 80% of this does not apply to FV where you can even sell your grandma
imo, best thing (most functional) to get with points is key rings. extra storage, stats, etc.

If you are trying to sell things, heritage crates and cards generate items which sell in the bazaar.
You can buy LON packs from day 1.

Oh, do you mean on a TLP?
pre-RoF buy crates with DB coins for items you can sell

after RoF buy the legends of norrath card packs, you get 2 chances per , it is a much bigger pool of stuff but some much rarer illusions worth more.
Request - DB Points any suggestion to where invest that points?

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