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destroy unwanted items (1 Viewer)


May 16, 2009
Hello guys,

is there some "background" way to destroy specific items when I'm running my simple macro? Or should I put destroying into macro?

How about destroying no-drop items?

I seen some loot mac, but it's additional macro. Can I run another macro while 1 active? When I use loot.mac I get both my macros ended after looting.

I would like it to destoy all unwanted stuff when I right click to loot. Then again, I could add loot.mac to my mouse right click, i guess, but my first macro would be ended aswell.
So far as I know you can only run one macro at a time. There is a macro included in the compile called autolooter.inc, it will build a list of everything you loot, you can modify the list to tell the macro to keep certain items or destroy them. Here is sample of the list; 1 keep, 0 destroy:

Alligator Egg=1
Alligator Hide=0
Alligator Tooth=0
Animating Force=1
Animated Sword4=0
Animated Shield=0

As far as lore items, once you have the item in your inventory the macro will skip the item from then on. You can have the macro destroy all of them, of course.

I expect you will have to add the autolooter to your primary macro. There is suppose to be way for one macro to call functions from another macro and keep running, but i have not been able to make this work. Maybe someone with more experience can explain how to do this.
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Should be able to make an include file out of the sub routines you want and call those routines from the main macro as long as you call out that #include like any other inc file.
ok, but isnt it possible to have it as built-in function? like theres MQ2AAspend.dll for example? would be cool to have some dll working on background all the time :) or is it too hard to build? I'd sure paypal for such function :)
destroy unwanted items

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