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Different farming methods? (1 Viewer)


New member
Jun 23, 2005
I keep seeing farming methods for don crystals or other tradeskill items, but I always see that they are meant for bards or some other class...I have yet to see an explanation for farming for a ranger. Can these ways be farmed by a ranger, if so will it be by bow kiting and so on. One thing I would love to do is farm don crystals with the lair of the blackwings, if anyone can help or explain how this could be possible it would help me and make me a bit richer :D Thanks.
i think the major problem you will have is that Lair of BW is done by warping in the NoNo area.

as a ranger and bow kiting.. i believe (could be wrong) ... that you can not hit the mobs from -200 of the mob.. while u sit in the NoNo area

The reason Bards andnecros work so well.. is the DOTS and the nukes .. if theranger spells can kill the mob you would do fine

8-) i hope that explains a little better
Different farming methods?

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