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Question - Do charms have to be equipped to improve? (1 Viewer)

Apr 18, 2021
I probably can figure this out on my own but this question started off different as to why all these charms I keep acquiring for 115 or higher keep sucking way more than my old one does that I keep using. Now I see that it levels up as you complete missions based on whatever content but do they need to be equipped to do so?

So frustrating to finally think you're getting an upgrade and you go to equip and your ac plummets. Then you read the fine print and get more frustrated because I could of been handing these things out amongst the group instead of just defaulting them to the tank and hoping maybe this one will be the one that works!
charms improve dependent on worn armor from the current expac , progression or hunter. i am not sure what the anniversary tower charm improves upon (perhaps tower missions)

for a given expac, i always upgrade my charm last, where i have said armor, hunter or proggy done
No, you don't have to have the charm equipped to improve it like an evolvable item. It'll adjust itself as you meet its criteria whether you put it on before doing, during, or after progression missions. Same with the hunter and armor ones.
Basically the 3 ways to improve your charm are wear armor from that Xpac or kill rare spawns from that Xpac or do progressions from that Xpac the charm will tell you which you need to do. Find a charm that matches you best for me it's usually armor or progressions. It's usually armor at first for me then progressions. It will improve whether you have it in or not if you have it, but what's the point?
Security Charms are the charms that are based off armor. They are the only ones I ever get because I never bother with Hunters or Progression for 54 toons.

Also they dont seem to downgrade if you get better armor. so if you have COV charm..and upgrade to TOL/NOS/LS armor the charm will stay at max which means you dont really have to worry about charms.

I was hoping the Anniversary charm would power up to be a 16K charm - but after 5 months its still only 9800 or so at lvl 125.
Security Charms are the charms that are based off armor. They are the only ones I ever get because I never bother with Hunters or Progression for 54 toons.

Also they dont seem to downgrade if you get better armor. so if you have COV charm..and upgrade to TOL/NOS/LS armor the charm will stay at max which means you dont really have to worry about charms.

I was hoping the Anniversary charm would power up to be a 16K charm - but after 5 months its still only 9800 or so at lvl 125.
Key point, you do get more stats off "newer" base models, but it doesnt cripple you if your hybrid working from xpac to the next.
Thanks for all the info, I'll be looking into security charms because I keep acquiring the ones based progress and I don't think I have the patience to do the hunts and progression quests. I know eventually I'm going to have to go back a few xpacs and do some of them but man they are a slog.
Question - Do charms have to be equipped to improve?

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