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DoD expan prob (1 Viewer)

Feb 21, 2005
ok a week ago i got an email form soe sayin there was a billing error and i need to reorder dod at full price... i have a week left... well not knowing which account had the problem, i waited a week.

anyways going over past bank statements when i preorderd it i noticed the money has gone from my accounts to soe and i got my statement today and no refund has been made (have 3 accounds 3 amouts for the expan have been taken)

i refuse to pay again for an expan i alredy own, so, what do i do? am going to email em etc but any advice before i do that?

btw isnt what they done stealing?
Call customer service when they're open and tell them...be sure to have the dates the payments went through and tell them you haven't received a refund.
Dont have to make the call, go to EQ's website when Customer service is open and log into the NEt Chat, youll have to wait in line but they can clear that up, its also possible that if it was sent via email with a link in it to reorder it might have been a scammer trying to get yer cash..
having kinda the same issues with sony dumbfucks myself. I bought DoD for a friend thru the gift system. I got billed 3 times. Two for my accounts and one for the gift purchase. She NEVER got any notifications of it to download it either in game, or thru email. Sony claims no refunds thru gift system. I told them I will give them 2 weeks to make sure she gets it or face the lawsuit.

They assume that people know to download it through the patcher. I think this is an idiotic thing to assume, but they do.
shadowman33 said:
I bought DoD for a friend thru the gift system. I got billed 3 times. Two for my accounts and one for the gift purchase. She NEVER got any notifications of it to download it either in game, or thru email. Sony claims no refunds thru gift system. I told them I will give them 2 weeks to make sure she gets it or face the lawsuit.

Sony Gift System Defined:
A monitary gift from you to Sony.

Sorry to hear about the bad luck. :( Though Sony makes a lot of mistakes, I would bet with a couple of phone calls you could get it cleared up.
ok adding my ongoing argument so far with sony

i have double checked with my CC company and although i have not been double billed i have payed for the expansion and then had the flag taken off my account however the refund would be acceptable

Response (TSR Rick S.) 09/29/2005 02:27 PM
I am sorry to say that none of your two requests can be granted. Your credit card has not been billed. Please consult your credit card company regarding this and reorder the download. If you are double billed then you will be refunded.

yes i understand that fact however the money has still left my bank account and gone into SOE's i do have proof and in my eyes this is Criminal theft. i will not reorder the expansion due to that fact, untill this matter is resolved.

either by

A recrediting my account with the DoD expansion
B refunding the preorder amout that i payed and allowing me to purchase the expansion at a preorder price

theses are the only two options i can accept and they are the only two open to you that i can see.

I do understand you have alot of customers to reply to but not reading the whole message and sending me an answer that i was alredy sent in a previous email is not acceptiable and is very bad customer service

Response (TSR Syrus M.) 09/29/2005 01:39 PM
There is a possibility that the billing info on the account is out of date, or there are billing discrepancies with the credit card we tried to bill. This will cause our system to revoke the pre-order from your account, so you would need to re-order. You can make the purchase for the Digital Download again easily by going in game or by ordering from the store website. Log in to the store website using the station name you want the expansion registered to. Submit billing info for that account to complete the purchase and to have the expansion flagged back on your account.

Customer () 09/26/2005 07:08 AM

i purchased the DoD expan when it first became availabe on peorder for my accounts (i own two).

the account i have provided details recived an email about an error with the preorder which said (and i quote)


Due to a credit card billing failure we are unable to complete the
pre-order you placed on August 11, 2005, for the EverQuest(R) Depths of
Darkhollow(TM) Expansion - Digital Download (US/English Version). As a
result, your account has been re-flagged for a period of one week so
that you may still enjoy EverQuest(R) Depths of Darkhollow(TM) Expansion -
Digital Download (US/English Version) content while we resolve the
error. You may resubmit your correct billing information at the Station
Store (https://store.station.sony.com). Once the error is resolved, the
temporary flag for EverQuest(R) Depths of Darkhollow(TM) Expansion -
Digital Download (US/English Version) will be reset with the proper

Thank you.

Sony Online Entertainment Inc.

upon reciving just one email i was unsure which account this was refering to, so i allowed the account to run out of time when i then revieved a ferther email (i quote again)


Due to a credit card billing failure we are unable to complete the
pre-order you placed on August 11, 2005, for the EverQuest(R) Depths of
Darkhollow(TM) Expansion - Digital Download (US/English Version). As a
result, your pre-order has been cancelled. You may attempt to place
your order again by visiting the Station Store

Thank you.

Sony Online Entertainment Inc.
SOE Europe Limited for customers in the EU

after loging on my account and seeing the DoD expansion no longer flaged for my account i went over my last few bank statements when i saw two trasactions from soe both for the same amount and exactly for the DoD expansion.

i recived a further bankstatement and there has been no refund for the dod expansion.

I would either like a refund and a chance to reorder the expansion at peorder prices or more preferably have my account recredited with the DoD expansion

thank you for your time
ok just got this as a reply

Discussion Thread
Response (TSR Paul S.) - 09/29/2005 02:56 PM
I have checked the account with the station name and
noticed that the billing was failed last time and you were not charged.

If you still see any charged on your CC # please provide us the full
credit card number so that we can locate any other active account under
that credit card.


ok full CC hmm i think not!
DoD expan prob

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