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Question - Does buying TBM expansion add 1 m onth gold? (1 Viewer)

Oct 3, 2014
its years since I bought my last expansion in everquest so my question if simple as that :

--> does buying the TBM expansion on the official website add 1 month of gold to the account or would the account still be F2P?

sorry if this sounds stupid but I realy have no idea how this would work :-) thanks for your time!
its years since I bought my last expansion in everquest so my question if simple as that :

--> does buying the TBM expansion on the official website add 1 month of gold to the account or would the account still be F2P?

sorry if this sounds stupid but I realy have no idea how this would work :-) thanks for your time!

I disagree with it potentially sounding stupid. This is actually a Good Question.

Rarely they will have a promo for getting extra goodies with the purchase of an expansion, but that's usually when a new expansion is coming out and only for the new expansion. And I'm not talking about buying into the higher prices for the same expansion. It may be that my memory is not serving me well now and my info is OLD.

would make for an interesting mid year sale... buy the 6 month old expansion and get a free month of gold / free krono... wonder how many people would bite... (even better if you can buy it with Daybreak cash)
thanks for the heads up!

I could swear in the early years buying an expansion included a 1 month sub (that was before the F2P model of course) so I thought maybe I get 1 month gold these days :-)

I dont have any "thanks" left for today but will come back to you tomorrow. Thanks again for the fast info!
Krause you are right, in the old days, if you had a brand new account buying the expansion entailed getting 1 month of subscription.

There was a time when expansions did not add up, that is if you bought Luclin you did not get Velious, but my memory is really rusty on this point.
Question - Does buying TBM expansion add 1 m onth gold?

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