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Question - Downshit Question (how to trigger camping out) (1 Viewer)


Warriors are inferior (read: crybaby) tanks
Jul 30, 2006
Hey all,

I have a question regarding how I can trigger my box team to camp out via a downshit.

I'm doing some afk exp in an instance. What I'd like to happen is figure out a way to have a downshit trigger that will /camp desktop or /exit when the following conditions are met:

- I'm in a particular zone (it's the zone you pop out to when the instance ends) AND I've been in that zone without moving for 30 minutes.

I get a much easier/cleaner way to do it is by using a macro, but the issue is I'm already running a separate, class bot macro. There's a feature in the macro that's supposed to camp you out if you're dead and don't get a rez within 15 or 18 minutes, but its not working (separate issue I need to look into). Also, I'd like to have my team camp out once the six hour time is done because standing around for too long in an open zone is never a good idea.

Also, is there still a 15 holyshit and 15 downshit limit on MQ2Melee?

I don't know what all the syntax that would possible be needed but the Idea would be
1) Make sure all your toons are bound in the same zone (Id pick a zone where you would probably never run KA (or any of you bot macs) - like POK)
2) Find the zone ID# for said zone that all your toons are bound in.
3) Make sure you load ad use EQBC plugin and get all your toons in your group connected to same channel.
3) Write an If stamement on one toon that basically states
. a) If all my toons are in same zone
. b) If I am running "x" mac
. c) Then using EQBC (/bcga //exit) tell all your toons to exit...

You could make it look for the rez effect "debuff" and maybe other checks. Don't know if its doable, or exctly how one would write it but there's your "idea".
Why not use a downshit to to detect if you are in the wrong zone and have it end the current macro and start a new one with the timer function in it?
Why not use a downshit to to detect if you are in the wrong zone and have it end the current macro and start a new one with the timer function in it?

I like it! I'd just have to remember to disable it if I fight/exp in the normal zone rather than the instance.

Now to just whip up something that would start a timer and then log out lol.
Even better this one will only fire if the macro you define is running. You will also need to change to zone ID you can get it from being in the zone and doing a /echo ${Zone.ID}
Rich (BB code):
downshit0 = (${Macro.Name.Equal[YOURMACRO.mac]} $$ (${Zone.ID}!=344) /mac waittimer.mac
Rich (BB code):
sub main 
/delay 30m
/camp desktop
All this is untested.
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Why not use a downshit to to detect if you are in the wrong zone and have it end the current macro and start a new one with the timer function in it?

Using that idea, I'd make a down that be off, with a hot keys to turn it on/off
Rich (BB code):
/melee downflag60=1
Rich (BB code):
/melee downflag60=0
When in your instance (or whatever zone you wish to set this for) you
Rich (BB code):
/echo ${Zone.ID}
to get the zone "number".
Rich (BB code):
downshit60=/if (!${Zone[XXX]} && !${Me.Buff[DeathEffectDebuff].ID}) /mac "timermacro"
Replace XXX with the zone ID #, and "DeathEffectDebuff" with the Death Effect Debuffs name and write your "timermacro".
So if your not in your desired zone when the death effects wear off your special macro would b started.

You could also write another to go with it to "restart" you bot macs if you ended up getting a rez before you camped.
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Rich (BB code):
downshit60=/if (!${Zone[XXX]} && !${Me.Buff[DeathEffectDebuff].ID}) /multiline ; /endmac ; /mac "timermacro"
but might need a pause between end and start
Rich (BB code):
downshit60=/if (!${Zone[XXX]} && !${Me.Buff[DeathEffectDebuff].ID}) /multiline ; /endmac ; /timed 5 /mac "timermacro"
but i do believe starting a new mac ends the old one, but i could be mistaken.

- - - Updated - - -

You know (being the ideas man that I am, and not knowing code) you could theoretically use this to rez yourself (in GL).
Bind self near the merchant that sells the items you need to set you corpse summoned (or make sure you have appropriate one on you).
Write a macro that would:
A) Disband self from group.
B) Summon Merc Healer on and mode that he would rez(non-passive).
C) Target said merchant, and buy said item.
D) Move to a corpse summoner.
E) Give said item to corpse summoner.
F) Wait for Rez.
G) Accept Rez.
H) Camp out/quit/exit.....
That's pretty elaborate, but I think I'd just want to camp out and preserve the corpse for a future rez rather than risk that kind of macroing in the lobby.
What I decided to go with was:

Rich (BB code):
downshit3=/if (!${Zone.ID}==XXX) /multiline ; /end ; /timed 5 /exit

Reason is because the /end and the /camp desktop was being spammed, so the dude never actually camped out. The timer kept being reset back to 30 seconds.

With /exit he pops out of game once and I never have to worry about it again.

I haven't tested it to see what happens, yet, but what I hope happens is if homeboy dies and goes back to bind (after the rez timer thingie running out) he'll just /exit out and preserve his corpse for a later rez.
Question - Downshit Question (how to trigger camping out)

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