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Request - Druid Epic Foraging 1.0 (1 Viewer)

May 19, 2015
Hello hello! I was trying to search for a macro of some sort that would make trying to forage the pieces for druid 1.0 a little easier. I didn't come across any that had this specific purpose.

If anyone happens to know of any guide for what to do to prep before kunark releases on the progression servers I'd be very grateful being directed that way!

Thank you so much.
Rich (BB code):
| Forage.mac v.1 by Maskoi 1/31/2013
| Forage using ninjadvloot.inc

   #include Ninjadvloot.inc
Sub Main
    /call SetupAdvLootVars
        /if (${Me.Skill[Forage]} > 0)  /doability forage
        /call LootMobs
        /delay 10
    /Goto :Top

drop this into your macro folder with forage.mac
then /mac forage
Request - Druid Epic Foraging 1.0

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