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Guide - DS PLing a class without PBAE (1 Viewer)

Sep 12, 2004
As we all know too well, DS PLing a class without some sort of PBAE can be annoying. The throw stone method works alright, but you either have to shroud (annoying) or be PLing a class with throw stone, plus the ability has an annoyingly long delay. The secret to avoiding all of this is The Golden Pick. It's ALL/ALL, you get it halfway through a newbie quest chain in Blightfire Moors, and it procs an unresistable 1 damage that triggers almost every swing.

To get the pick, do the quests The Golden Pick I and then The Golden Pick II, which start at Ordunn the Miner in the newbie Blightfire Moors camp, and requires a bit of running around (into Crescent Reach) and mild newbie mob killing. After completing the second quest, hail Ordunn again for the third quest and receive your shiny The Golden Pick. Promptly forget everything about Ordunn because he's stupid and wants you to do something stupid. You have what you are after.

Now, it's difficult to manually hit all the mobs, but I unabashedly took this macro and modified it so that it would autoattack mobs and track them (assuming golden pick output) instead of using a spell/ability:

Rich (BB code):
#turbo 40

#event OnHit "#1# hit#*#for 1 points of non-melee damage#*#"

Sub Main
  /declare MobID[100] int outer
  /declare i int outer
  /declare j int outer
  /declare k int outer
  /declare NumMobs int outer 1
  /declare MobAdded int outer 0
  /declare MobRadius int outer 180
  /declare MobHit int outer 0
    /delay 1
    /if (${NearestSpawn[1,NPC zradius 100].Distance}>${MobRadius} && ${NumMobs}>1) {
      /bc Reseting NumMobs = 1
      /varset NumMobs 1
    /if (${NearestSpawn[1,NPC zradius 100].Distance}>${MobRadius}) /goto :loop
    /for k 1 to ${SpawnCount[NPC radius ${MobRadius} zradius 100]}
      /varset MobAdded 0
      /for j 1 to ${NumMobs}
        /if (${MobID[${j}]}==${NearestSpawn[${k},NPC zradius 100 radius ${MobRadius}].ID}) /varset MobAdded 1
      /next j
      /if (!${MobAdded}) {
        /tar id ${NearestSpawn[${k},NPC zradius 100 radius ${MobRadius}].ID}
        /delay 20 ${Target.ID}==${NearestSpawn[${k},NPC zradius 20 radius ${MobRadius}].ID}
        /if (${Target.ID}) {
           /varset MobHit 0
           /face fast
           /attack on
           /stick 10
           /for i 1 to 5
             /attack on
             /delay 1s ${MobHit}
             /if (${MobHit}) /goto :isHit
           /next i
           /if (${MobHit}) {
            /varcalc NumMobs ${NumMobs}+1
            /varset MobID[${NumMobs}] ${Target.ID}
            /bc Added [+y+]${Target.ID} as target ${NumMobs}
          /attack off
  /next k

  /goto :loop

Sub Event_OnHit(Line, cName)
    /if (${cName.Equal[${Me.Name}]}) /varset MobHit 1

Run that on your little guy and watch the exp fly!
why not just but oil of fennen ro?

What dulak said, Zordak isn't always up, but also you have to worry about resists, and they do a decent amount of damage, which means the little guy gets more aggro than he needs to. This method means you do up to about 5 damage max if you get some physical hits in, and it's cheap (oil is ~250pp a click).
this will be great if they fix the bone chips or the kill quests ways of lvling.
i tend to lvl another toon up with them one that can AE..
A new tactic found is always good for some =)

My personal choice is simply add a lvl 1 bard with the toon you want to PL.

Exp goes a little bit slower, but still beats "Throw Stone", "Oil of Fennin Ro" and questing for this "Golden Pick" imo =)

Thanks for the share though /cheer
I mainly did this because I wanted to find a way to get exp after the bonechip or kill quest methods, you have this lag of 51-70 where you can't group with 100's. I also find it's a better way to get AAXP around 70-80 because a 100 can DS kill up to about level 80 mobs (a mage can anyway, I imagine a tanky class could do much better) with Shining Armor, and the AAXP is determined by the highest level in the group. So you can get those early AA's out of the way pretty fast like this.
Not to mention depending on where you pl the oil is fire based and can be resisted easily.

- - - Updated - - -

FYI The Heroic Adventure OWN for aa xp at 85 I got my SK a crap load of lvl 85 augs with the currency yesterday along with 450+ aa. Went from 700aa to 1160ish in enough missions to buy 5 augs at 260 currency each.
Holgresh Mojo Sticks (drop in Wakening Lands) are clickable from inventory by any class. You need either the Fire or Air versions that cast Flame Flux or Cast Force. It can take a bit to farm them but one days you're bored or something if you farm a few bags full of them and have them stored away for PLing.

Blued Two-Handed Hammer http://lucy.allakhazam.com/item.html?id=6403 is a quest that you can do and the item is tradeable, so you can cycle it through several different accounts as needed.

I've never done the quest for the hammer and I don't know exactly how effective it is, but it is an option. I have PL'd a couple different classes with the Mojo Sticks and it worked quite well.
Holgresh Mojo Sticks (drop in Wakening Lands) are clickable from inventory by any class. You need either the Fire or Air versions that cast Flame Flux or Cast Force. It can take a bit to farm them but one days you're bored or something if you farm a few bags full of them and have them stored away for PLing.

Blued Two-Handed Hammer http://lucy.allakhazam.com/item.html?id=6403 is a quest that you can do and the item is tradeable, so you can cycle it through several different accounts as needed.

I've never done the quest for the hammer and I don't know exactly how effective it is, but it is an option. I have PL'd a couple different classes with the Mojo Sticks and it worked quite well.

I did the mojo sticks for a while (on an enchanter), but they run out relatively fast; I had 4 fire/wind after clearing the holgresh cave in WL for about 2 hours, which means only 20 pulls where you can get resists. You can of course get quite a few levels, but I just got tired of farming them. The hammer would be nice, but it is ridiculously hard to get (I've tried, never got the gorge drop), and enchanters are still left in the cold. Found this out, and I can chain flip the PoK instance for about 25 AA each run without worrying about my AE running out, and this macro cycles through targets quite fast (since the proc on the pick has some ridiculous modifier), so I haven't had to worry about the DS killing mobs before I tag them all. Granted, if I pull larger trains (you get about 35 mobs in the PoK instance, which is on the low side), then I'd have to start worrying about mobs dying before I can tag them.
Oh definitely no doubt about your method or macro, in fact, I'm going to use it some day soon coming up and check it out when I decide on what to PL up next. I guess I was just caught up in the thread and decided to post the other methods that I know of or used since people started talking about oil of fennin.
Oh definitely no doubt about your method or macro, in fact, I'm going to use it some day soon coming up and check it out when I decide on what to PL up next. I guess I was just caught up in the thread and decided to post the other methods that I know of or used since people started talking about oil of fennin.

no doubt. Everything is viable, and it's all personal preference. =D
Just incase anyone is wondering.... DO NOT START THE THIRD QUEST!!!!

I didn't read Dannuic's post very well.. I had to re-start another toon.
If anyone could detail the pok method i'd love you forever. never really did any sort of PL so i'm totally lost here lol
The best method I've refined over the years requires multiple toons and is server/expansion dependent.

Char 1, Shaman (high level) - Char 2, Bard (high level) but anyone can tank really, just need a DS on you - cast lingering sloth on whoever is tanking (the trigger on this specific spell is different than the upgrades like listlessness and causes way more agro) - pull as much as you want, use oil or a bard (level 2 bard has chords of dissonance, infinite target pbaoe) the sloth on the bard + twisting DS / regen songs keeps agro - shaman can HoT bard etc. The bard is also a plate class etc, so you tank very well with a shield.

Best way I've seen it done is with an SK aoe taunt + sham sloth, the plvlee can literally never grab agro.
The SK AOE taunts are on different timers. I just loaded up three of them and had no trouble holding aggro even with the necro AOE hitting 70-80ish. I just recycled the AOE hatred spells between casts (cast twice to cover any resists) and all went well. Much better than waiting half an hour for a throw stones to run.
If anyone could detail the pok method i'd love you forever. never really did any sort of PL so i'm totally lost here lol

Group the lowlvl toons that you want to PL, and leave the powerlvler toon out off group.
Run behind big bank in PoK and say investigate to Destrea Kinmare with the lowlvl, zone in and /taskadd the powerlvler toon.
Zone in and gather all the mobs, get aggro on them all with the powerlvler, do atleast 1 damage on all the mobs with the lowlevel, buff DS on the powerlvler and wait for all to die
Drop mission/instance and repeat.
Group the lowlvl toons that you want to PL, and leave the powerlvler toon out off group.
Run behind big bank in PoK and say investigate to Destrea Kinmare with the lowlvl, zone in and /taskadd the powerlvler toon.
Zone in and gather all the mobs, get aggro on them all with the powerlvler, do atleast 1 damage on all the mobs with the lowlevel, buff DS on the powerlvler and wait for all to die
Drop mission/instance and repeat.

This was nerfed awhile ago, was it not? A friend of mine who exclusively did this method threw a bitch fit a few months ago when he went to PL 12 chars and found out he couldn't do this anymore... Then he got them to level 30 via the normal methods of PLing and I haven't seen him online since.
You can still run to either blackfeather roost or icefall (for the charm quest) and get instant level 12 off just 1 turn in, takes 10 mins and invis but it's faster than anything else still. The serpent seekers charm thing.
This was nerfed awhile ago, was it not? A friend of mine who exclusively did this method threw a bitch fit a few months ago when he went to PL 12 chars and found out he couldn't do this anymore... Then he got them to level 30 via the normal methods of PLing and I haven't seen him online since.

Is it not nerfed.
im doing this with a low lvl bard, but his lvl 2 pbae is resisted 100% of the time? theyre already lvl 12-13 and his song still gets resisted all the time.
How did you guys request the Golden Pick quests at level 1? I couldn't even request it till like level 19.

When I wrote this, the intention was to get your newbs up to about 50 or 51 with bonechips first. However, you only need to be level 20 to get the pick, and that's not really all that hard through traditional means.
How did you guys request the Golden Pick quests at level 1? I couldn't even request it till like level 19.

Found a great 'bug' of sorts...
If you do it one time you just have to hail the Oran guy and if you dont have a Golden Pick you get one... aka unlimited!!

I took my wiz and did the quest to get the correct Pick. Went to my group of 6, gave 1 of them the Pick
Then I ported 5 new toons and invis'd them to the quest giver, handed a Pick to each of them and sent them back to PoK.
Found a great 'bug' of sorts...
If you do it one time you just have to hail the Oran guy and if you dont have a Golden Pick you get one... aka unlimited!!

I took my wiz and did the quest to get the correct Pick. Went to my group of 6, gave 1 of them the Pick
Then I ported 5 new toons and invis'd them to the quest giver, handed a Pick to each of them and sent them back to PoK.

Hmm, you handed the The Broken Pick to each toon? The Golden Pick is not trade.

Did you mean that you handed in the Broken Pick to the quest giver to get the 2nd task on your other 5 toons, and then did the 2nd task on those toons to get them the final "Golden Pick"?
Guide - DS PLing a class without PBAE

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