As we all know too well, DS PLing a class without some sort of PBAE can be annoying. The throw stone method works alright, but you either have to shroud (annoying) or be PLing a class with throw stone, plus the ability has an annoyingly long delay. The secret to avoiding all of this is The Golden Pick. It's ALL/ALL, you get it halfway through a newbie quest chain in Blightfire Moors, and it procs an unresistable 1 damage that triggers almost every swing.
To get the pick, do the quests The Golden Pick I and then The Golden Pick II, which start at Ordunn the Miner in the newbie Blightfire Moors camp, and requires a bit of running around (into Crescent Reach) and mild newbie mob killing. After completing the second quest, hail Ordunn again for the third quest and receive your shiny The Golden Pick. Promptly forget everything about Ordunn because he's stupid and wants you to do something stupid. You have what you are after.
Now, it's difficult to manually hit all the mobs, but I unabashedly took this macro and modified it so that it would autoattack mobs and track them (assuming golden pick output) instead of using a spell/ability:
Run that on your little guy and watch the exp fly!
To get the pick, do the quests The Golden Pick I and then The Golden Pick II, which start at Ordunn the Miner in the newbie Blightfire Moors camp, and requires a bit of running around (into Crescent Reach) and mild newbie mob killing. After completing the second quest, hail Ordunn again for the third quest and receive your shiny The Golden Pick. Promptly forget everything about Ordunn because he's stupid and wants you to do something stupid. You have what you are after.
Now, it's difficult to manually hit all the mobs, but I unabashedly took this macro and modified it so that it would autoattack mobs and track them (assuming golden pick output) instead of using a spell/ability:
Rich (BB code):
#turbo 40
#event OnHit "#1# hit#*#for 1 points of non-melee damage#*#"
Sub Main
/declare MobID[100] int outer
/declare i int outer
/declare j int outer
/declare k int outer
/declare NumMobs int outer 1
/declare MobAdded int outer 0
/declare MobRadius int outer 180
/declare MobHit int outer 0
/delay 1
/if (${NearestSpawn[1,NPC zradius 100].Distance}>${MobRadius} && ${NumMobs}>1) {
/bc Reseting NumMobs = 1
/varset NumMobs 1
/if (${NearestSpawn[1,NPC zradius 100].Distance}>${MobRadius}) /goto :loop
/for k 1 to ${SpawnCount[NPC radius ${MobRadius} zradius 100]}
/varset MobAdded 0
/for j 1 to ${NumMobs}
/if (${MobID[${j}]}==${NearestSpawn[${k},NPC zradius 100 radius ${MobRadius}].ID}) /varset MobAdded 1
/next j
/if (!${MobAdded}) {
/tar id ${NearestSpawn[${k},NPC zradius 100 radius ${MobRadius}].ID}
/delay 20 ${Target.ID}==${NearestSpawn[${k},NPC zradius 20 radius ${MobRadius}].ID}
/if (${Target.ID}) {
/varset MobHit 0
/face fast
/attack on
/stick 10
/for i 1 to 5
/attack on
/delay 1s ${MobHit}
/if (${MobHit}) /goto :isHit
/next i
/if (${MobHit}) {
/varcalc NumMobs ${NumMobs}+1
/varset MobID[${NumMobs}] ${Target.ID}
/bc Added [+y+]${Target.ID} as target ${NumMobs}
/attack off
/next k
/goto :loop
Sub Event_OnHit(Line, cName)
/if (${cName.Equal[${Me.Name}]}) /varset MobHit 1
Run that on your little guy and watch the exp fly!