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Question - Easier way to check group's aggro%. (1 Viewer)

Sep 9, 2014
Putting some shits together for my war so he maintains aggro over wiz's and mercs on burn and such. Is there an easier way to check if anyone (PC or Merc, pets excluded) has higher than 80-90% of my aggro? I've found the ${Group.Member[#].SecondaryAggroPct} data, and am just looking for a slightly easier way to put the check in for my group's aggro instead of having 5 of those in all of the shits.

Any ideas?
${Me.PctAggro} . Have the holy fire off as soon as aggro drops below 100% to regain aggro.

I don't want it to wait until I lose aggro to fire off the next aggro aa/disc. I want it to fire as soon as my wiz or merc is breaking 80-90% of my aggro.

I was going to try out ${Me.SecondaryPctAggro}>70 but I don't want my own aggro pet setting off the rest of my hate discs.
So add a check in to it...

/if (${Me.SecondaryAggroPlayer.ID} != ${Me.Pet.ID} && ${Me.SecondaryPctAggro} >= 80) /havesexwithmonkeys

or whatever.
Ok, so apparently Me.Pet.ID doesn't work for the warrior aggro pets, as they're not persistent pets let mage/necro etc. I've tried doing Me.SecondaryAggroPlayer.Name.Not Equal[xxxx] with both the "clean" and the xxxx's_pet00 names, and it's still not recognizing my aggro pet as being the secondary aggro and is firing off the rest of my aggro stuff in order.

Any other ideas as to how to get it to recognize the pet as being the one on secondary aggro? Might just be easier to do the 5 checks on group.member[x].secondaryaggropct for each holy.
How about ${Me.SecondaryAggroPlayer.Type.Equal[Pet]} ?

If you want to know what the summoned thing actually is, in case that doesn't work, just click on it and do /echo ${Target.Type}
Question - Easier way to check group's aggro%.

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