Hey guys. I just started writing macros for MQ2, and I wanted to post this simple semi-AFK bot that I wrote. I think it illustrates a bunch of useful functions that new macro writers can build off of. Basically, this bot is an AFK level 1 to 5 (It's currently configured for North Qeynos). Here is what it does:
It doesn't pick up items, but thats not that big of a challenge and I may add it later. At the very least, I believe this code requires MQ2Melee and MQ2MoveUtils. Anyway, here is the code: (If you like this script, please consider sending a few cents my way. Thanks!)
EDIT: I forgot to mention that some of the functions (health checking and retreat) are not functional. I figured that retreating makes no sense when you don't lose EXP. Still I left them in for others to use as inspiration.
P.S. Enjoy the kill ranking
- Searches for a mob on the mob list
- Attacks the mob
- Loots the nearest corpse
- Searches for a new mob
It doesn't pick up items, but thats not that big of a challenge and I may add it later. At the very least, I believe this code requires MQ2Melee and MQ2MoveUtils. Anyway, here is the code: (If you like this script, please consider sending a few cents my way. Thanks!)
EDIT: I forgot to mention that some of the functions (health checking and retreat) are not functional. I figured that retreating makes no sense when you don't lose EXP. Still I left them in for others to use as inspiration.
Rich (BB code):
| EASY BOT v1.0 (Levels 1 to 5) |
| |
| By: WoopWoop (3/12/13) |
| Includes
| Events
#Event MobDeath "#*#You gain experience!!#*#"
#Event Death "You have entered#*#"
#Event Death "You have been slain#*#"
#Event KnockOut "You have been knocked unconscious!#*#"
| Declares
Sub Declares
|---- Health Check and Retreat Locs ----|
/declare RetreatLoc[2] string outter
/varset RetreatLoc[1] 299 |-- X Loc
/varset RetreatLoc[2] 118 |-- Y Loc
|---- End Health Check / Retreat Locs ----|
/declare MobKillCount int outer 0
/declare RankCount int outer 1
/declare LastLocX int outer 956
/declare LastLocY int outer 79
|---- Target Aquisition Variables ----|
/declare NoMobs int outer 0
/declare Counter int outer
/declare CurrentMobID int outer
/declare FirstMobID int outer
/declare MobArray[5] string outer
|---- End Target Aquisition Variables----|
|---- Kill Rankings ----|
/declare MobKillRank[10] string outer
/varset MobKillRank[1] "A Naughty Noob"
/varset MobKillRank[2] "A Big Boy Bat"
/varset MobKillRank[3] "A Silly Skeleton"
/varset MobKillRank[4] "A Booger Burglar "
/varset MobKillRank[5] "A Wacky Weasel"
/varset MobKillRank[6] "Sassy Classy Clown"
/varset MobKillRank[7] "Mega Master Man
/varset MobKillRank[8] "Insane Brain!"
/varset MobKillRank[9] "M-M-M-Monster!"
/varset MobKillRank[10] "!!GODLIKE!!"
|---- End Kill Rankings ----|
Sub MobList
|** This is a Mob List that you can edit to determine which mobs you attack.
Note that the current MobArray is set only to handle 5 unique mobs **|
/varset MobArray[1] "a bat"
/varset MobArray[2] "a decaying skeleton"
/varset MobArray[3] "a decaying skeleton"
/varset MobArray[4] "a large rat"
/varset MobArray[5] "a grass snake"
Sub MobListPlus
|** This is the Advanced (lvl 3-4) Mob List that you can edit to determine which mobs you attack.
Note that the current MobArray is set only to handle 5 unique mobs **|
/varset MobArray[1] "a bat"
/varset MobArray[2] "a klicnik worker"
/varset MobArray[3] "a decaying skeleton"
/varset MobArray[4] "a large rat"
/varset MobArray[5] "a grass snake"
| Main Routine
Sub Main
/declare tempLevel int local
/call Declares
/echo Easy Bot v. 1.0 - Good Luck!
|--- Check Level Function ---|
/varset tempLevel ${Me.Level}
/if (${Math.Calc[${tempLevel}<3]} == 1.00) {
/call MobList
} else {
/call MobListPlus
|--- Check Level Function ---|
/call AcquireTarget
|--- Check Health Function ---|
/if (${Me.PctHPs}<35) {
/varset LastLocX ${Me.X}
/varset LastLocY ${Me.Y}
|--- Check Health Function ---|
/if (${Me.Combat}) {
/echo I'm slaying these jerks!
} else {
/target corpse radius 17
/delay 1s
/delay 3s
/notify LootWnd DoneButton leftmouseup
/delay 1s
/delay 1
/goto :MainLoop
| Attack Rountines
Sub AttackNow
/if (${Me.PctHPs}>35) {
/popup Now Attacking: ${Target}!
/stick 10
} else {
/goto :EndofAttack
/if (${Target.Type.Equal[NPC]} && ${Me.PctHPs}<35) {
/stick off
/attack off
/varset LastLocX ${Me.X}
/varset LastLocY ${Me.Y}
} else {
/if (${Target.Type.Equal[NPC]}) {
/attack on
/Delay 5s
/goto :AttackLoop
| Target Acquisition Routines
Sub AcquireTarget
/squelch /echo Aquiring Targets |-- For Testing purposes
/varset FirstMobID ${Me.NearestSpawn[1,npc ${MobArray[1]}].ID}
/for Counter 1 to 5
/varset CurrentMobID ${Me.NearestSpawn[1,npc ${MobArray[${Counter}]}].ID}
/if (${Spawn[${CurrentMobID}].Distance}<${Spawn[${FirstMobID}].Distance} && ${Bool[${CurrentMobID}]}) {
/delay 1s
/varset FirstMobID ${CurrentMobID}
/next Counter
/if (${Spawn[${FirstMobID}].Distance} < 150 && ${Bool[${FirstMobID}]}) {
/delay 1s
/target ${Spawn[${FirstMobID}].Name}
/echo Target Acquired: ${Target}
/delay 1s
/call AttackNow
} else {
/squelch /echo Nothing in Range |-- For Testing purposes
/delay 5s
| Health Check Rountines
|** These are unused ideas that I had for the macro, but I decided
to keep them included just to give people ideas**|
Sub CheckHealth
/if (${Me.PctHPs}<35) {
/MoveTo loc ${RetreatLoc[1]} ${RetreatLoc[2]}
/delay 1
/if (${MoveTo.Moving}) {
/delay 2s
/goto :MovingLoop
/call WaitTilHealed
Sub WaitTilHealed
/echo Waiting to heal up
/if (${Me.PctHPs}<100) {
/docommand ${If[${Me.Standing},/sit,/echo I am not sitting down]}
/delay 10s
/goto :LoopTilHealed
/MoveTo loc ${LastLocY} ${LastLocX}
/if (${MoveTo.Moving} && !${Me.Combat}) {
/delay 2s
/goto :MovingLoop
| Events
|** I put this in just for fun. If you want a kill count update,
just remove the squelch **|
Sub Event_MobDeath
/varset MobKillCount ${Math.Calc[${MobKillCount}+1]}
/squelch /echo You've Slain: ${MobKillCount} mobs!
/squelch /echo Your Rank: ${MobKillRank[${RankCount}]}
| Death
Sub MobKillRank
/declare MobKillCounter int local 1
/declare Sum1 int local 0
/declare Sum2 int local 0
/varset RankCount 1
/for MobKillCounter 1 to 10
/varset Sum1 ${Math.Calc[${MobKillCounter}*5]}
/varset Sum2 ${MobKillCount}
/if (${Sum1}<${Sum2}) {
/varset RankCount ${MobKillCounter}
/next MobKillCounter
Sub Event_KnockOut
/varset LastLocX ${Me.X}
/varset LastLocY ${Me.Y}
/echo ============================================
/echo You've Been Knocked Out!
/echo Location: ${Me.Y},${Me.X}
/echo You've Been Knocked Out!
/echo ============================================
Sub Event_Death
/call MobKillRank
/echo ============================================
/echo You Have Died!
/echo Your Corpse Location: ${Me.Y},${Me.X} (most likely)
/echo You managed to kill ${MobKillCount} mobs!
/Echo Your Rank: ${MobKillRank[${RankCount}]}
/echo You Have Died!
/echo ============================================
P.S. Enjoy the kill ranking
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